Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Milestone at work

Today marks a milestone for me at work. I joined the organization on 27th Jan 2006. After one year and about 7 months, I finally say goodbye to the department where I first started - Family Services.

I remember when I first joined, I had a hugest culture shock. In my sheltered life, I have NEVER really know how poor Singaporeans could be. I have never once seen a 1-room rental flat. I have never ever seen how tight-spaced a house could be. I have never shared a packet of rice with my entire family. Back then when I started, my emotions were riding on a roller coaster. I never knew when I was down and the next minute, I was up again. I get down easily yet I get my high almost easily too. When I realized that I relied too much on my feelings, I try to learn how to stop & check myself.

Since Jan 06, through my ups and downs, I have grown very close to a few of my colleagues as we support each other quite a bit. As I left my office with 3 boxes (only), I really do not know how to react. The WHOLE office went out to the carpark. [Makes me wonder why is everyone in the office!!! And I purposely DID NOT announce my departure!!! Only t selected ones... *sigh*] Soon, some kids from our centre also came out wondering why the whole office is out staring at this lady placing the boxes in the car. I really do not know how to handle it so all I did was to walk straight & not turn back. When my "mummy" asked me to just turn my head, I refused for I know that to turn back & see all saying farewell will definitely bring tears rolling. So I just give a quick wave, hugged mummy & made my way.

It's funny. It's funny really. It's funny that I am still in the same organization yet it feels as though as I have left the place altogether. Even as I am typing this, I am still having the queer yet exciting feeling within me. Missing old place.. yet embracing new challenges!!

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