Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kowloon Walled City

"A born-again Christian English woman called Jackie Pullinger, who arrived in the 1960s, was quick to spot the potential harvest of souls to be had among the addicts and the downtrodden, and since then has been weaning addicts in the City off heroin with amazing passion and success."

The "City" was Kowloon Walled City. What remains now is the Kowloon Walled City Park. The above is an excerpt from a picture-cum-information book on the history of KWC.

When I was chatting with a Christ believing social worker from another center a few months ago, he told me "If you want to do Youth Work in rural areas, read the book by Jackie Pullnger - Chasing the Dragon.". I kinda brushed it aside back then. Little did I know that it will be a birthday gift from a dear sister.

Jackie Pullinger received a calling from God in 1966 and she sailed to Hong Kong & stayed at the KWC. KWC was a place that was filled Triads, gang fights, drugs & what have you. She went in and told the triad leaders that Jesus loves them. Soon, she realized that telling them that Jesus loves them is not enough. She went the extra mile to love them too. Be involved in their lives & lived amongst them. Soon, gang leaders just converted one by one. Drug addicts kicked their addiction by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I am amazed & I am really in awe of this lady of courage. What touched me was her total lack of knowledge of Cantonese yet she went in by faith through obedience. And by faith, God bless her abundantly.

Today at the prayer meet, I prayed for courage & wisdom.

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