Friday, March 11, 2005

Conversation between the Id, Ego and Superego

Id, Ego & Superego.
Id says "My wife is dying and I need money for medication! Should I rob the bank?"
Ego says "But in reality, that will not help totally? What if I get caught? Then who will take care of my wife?"
Superego says "But it's not right!"

Spent 4 days to cover 2 textbooks, 9 lecture notes and 1 photostated readings.
So proud of myself.
In my Engineering student days, I hardly complete ONE chapter of my textbook!
Hmm... Makes me wonder why I buy so many textbooks last time for? *eyebrows raised*

Tomorrow's my first term-test for this semester's studies.
It's a study on Human Behavior and the Social Environment.
All the theories, all the terminologies result in having part of my brain cells killed.
But I can't help but thinking "Hmm.. Why is it so much easier for the people of past age to come up with so many theories?"
I mean.. well.. if we want to patent something or create something REALLY cool, we have to think REAL hard before our efforts will be recognized!!
You see, it's simple theories such as the above and it's classified as the Psychological theory by Freud.

Then in my readings, I come across these 2 VERY cool terms - Gemainschaft & Gesellschaft
Gemainschaft theory speaks about personal and relational relationship.
Gesellschaft theory speaks about relationships that are contractual and sometimes formal.
Aiyo... Why are simple things made so complicated by giving 2 words that are even hard to spell!!!!!!

Then it dawned on me that "Hey! People of the past was simpler. But why are the words so Chim (complex)?"
Well.. but speak about simplicity, things over the years have become more complexed. Not externally but internally.
*shrug* I dunno.. but I sitll find that staying simple and being simple is an art.
Anybody can beg to differ cause sometimes, I struggle in staying simple too..

Life seems to be filled with decisions everyday.
But I think.. what's most important is "What is contentment?"

Today's sermon teaches us that the Word of God is alive.
It IS indeed alive.. but it's alive only if our doors in our hearts are open to allow Him to create changes in us.
Brokenness is required...
Obedience is required...

Tomorrow will be Easter.
The day Jesus resurrects.
Today, there was a drama.
Speaks on this guy who is purpose-less. Everyday just eat, drink and be merry.
Then next day vomit and routine goes on.
Hmm... Where are we heading?
What will life REALLY be if we had taken a different route if a chance is given to us?
Christ's death are so that we live.
What if that guy in the drama had taken the route of believing in Christ?
I'm sure he will lead a more purposeful life.

"For I now the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
This is a promise from God.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Authentic Raindance

It rained again today..
There was this sudden dejavu...
I thought I smelt the air of Spring.
I remember my first Spring in Brisbane...
I could feel the cold air against my skin rushing me by as I stand at the stern of the ship.
I could smell flowers budding...
I seemed to see myself walking in the rain - plitter platter - on my head...
Mugging away for my exams, holding a cup of hot hot cuppa soup, taking my time to watch people go by,.............

Did I ever mention that I love mornings in Brisbane?
I stayed overnight in school once.. and I was so stunned by the beauty of the sun there.
I guess.. I am a little over-overwhelmed.
Couldn't help it but to stop and click!


Call me a baby..
Call me a cry baby..
But I can't help it but cry at work today.
Cried real bad.
Whole face red, body shaking and tears just keep flowing.

I truly cannot understand how could a person scream and shout at someone in the middle of a place filled with public?
Can a civil person abuse his/her own authority?
I cannot understand totally...
Doesn't he/she realise that life is a life cycle?
Give and take?

I began to wonder where is the Love in this world?
Well, I guess ultimately, feedback is good if feedback is constructive.
But to fight your way through, to antagonised your way through to get your things is saddening...

At the end of it, I really pray that God will feel me with His joy.
I pray that God will bring more love to this person.
I pray that God will continue to fill me more with His love.
As much mistakes that I have made, I want to be a better person.

Hitting for bed soon...

Till then..