Friday, August 03, 2007

Gratitude is an option!

I had 3 slips of paper giving me a kewl 20% discount at Borders. Last Friday, I made my way happily to Borders NOT knowing what books to buy. I only know that I finally had "extra" cash to buy books!! Woohoo!!! On my way there, my colleague text me telling me that she will not be joining her friends for dinner so she'll like to join me at Borders. Told her to call me when she arrive and I'd let her know where I will be.

While I was reading, a head suddenly popped behind some stranger & said "I don't need to call you to know that you will be in this section!" *Chucklez* It's a "θŒδΈšη—…" (Job sickness). I was in the section looking for books to improve myself in my knowledge at work. I was specifically looking for books on child's placements. I am always disappointed actually. The range at borders for books as such is limited.

However, the itch of getting books was getting to me so I thought hard what books I'd really like to get??? Suddenly, I remembered a friend telling me that there's a devotional bible with the gentle wisdom of Max Lucado's input. I made my way then to the Religion section. SADLY, the last copy was just sold out. Placed my order & hoping that it will come before the discount ends. Then I thought "I still want to settle my itch!" (N.B. It's not often I have itches to buy things ok???) I decided on 2 books by Lucado.

Now, am reading Lucado's Everyday Deserves a Chance. I bought this book simply because it was very colorful. Unknowingly, it has lots to give.

Excerpts of the stories in it...
"Gratitude is the firstborn child of grave, the appropriate response of the blessed."
"When Sidney Connell's brand new bicycle was stolen, she called her dad with the bad new. He expected his daughter to be upset. But Sidney wasn't crying. She was honoured. "Dad," she boasted, "out of all the bikes they could have taken, they took mine.""
Lucado taking from Matthew Henry when he was robbed of his purse:
"Let me be thankful first, because I was never robbed before; second, because, although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, although they took my all, it was not much; and fourthly, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed."
Something that is applicable to me (& those who complain about the mountain heaps of work is this by management consultant Robert Updegraff:
"You ought to be glad for the troubles on your job because they provide about half your income. If it were not for the things that go wrong, the difficult people with whom you deal, and the problems of the working day, someone could be found to handle your job for half of what you are paid. So start looking for more troubles. Learn to handle them cheerfully & with good judgment, as opportunities rather than irritations, and you will find yourself getting ahead at a surprising rate. For there are plenty of big jobs waiting for people who are not afraid of troubles."
Having the heart of gratitude is indeed an option. As I was walking wearily to work yesterday, it just hit me that I am indeed grateful simply for the fact that though I am tired turning up for work, I have had a job amidst the many others who are jobless.

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