Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Counting down

I'm getting really excited. 4 days more and I am gonna be with my little darling full time. I have to admit this - I am crazy over the little one.  No, I am not idolizing her yet but I am so amazed by her and with God.  How could someone so small, so helpless, so plain stole my heart.  One cry and I run over to her.  I drop all that I am doing and I go to her.  She doesn't come to me.  I go to her.

I can't help but recall the song that pierced right through my heart in the church camp of 2004 when I came back to God (yes, again) - When God Ran (by Philips, Craig and Dean).  How many times had I tried to walk away from His purpose?  How many Whys had I asked Him?  How many times had I disobeyed and disappointed Him?

Yet, in just one cry out to Him, He embraced me in His arms.

Psalms 121, my favorite chapter in Psalms, says

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Many verses in the bible talks about people crying out to God.  The Israelites cried out when they were made slaves.  Jacob cried and wrestled.  Moses cried out so many times.  David.  Almost the whole Psalms, he was crying out.  Jesus, the ultimate lamb, cried out to God in the garden of Gethsemane and God comforted Jesus.  EVEN though, the pain was not relieved of him, Jesus knew that the Lord is watching over him.  The Lord hears his cries.  The Lord has run to him to hug him, to comfort him, to love him.

Likewise, if the little one falls down and cry, knocks her head or bum and cry, wants a hug and cry, I will never hesitate to run to her, pick her up, hug her and repeatedly tell her "I love you darling, I love you, mummy loves you. It's ok, pain pain awhile.. it's ok, ok? Mummy loves you. Mummy really loves you." It just go on repeat mode until she's soothed & smiling.

I guess that's how things are like with God and me? God just whispering "My dear San, I love you. I love you very very very much. How much? So much that I have died for you."

... and for the record, if I am needed to die so that Faith can live, now, I am able to have a tiny weeny glimpse of why God is able to do that. :)

Here's a short clip of my little one saying her Amens. :)

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