Sunday, October 15, 2006

Just to be there...

I planned to be with my client for not more than an hour today. That's to meet her at a children's home, say "alo" to her child, chat awhile and then say "bye bye"... My objective is really just to touch base with my client's child.

Sometimes, the things that we plan will not go according to our agenda. When I reached the home with my client, the person on duty told us that the children have all gone for an outing. Thus, it will be 2.5hrs before my client's child is back.

Honestly, I had a personal agenda already planned. I pushed it back and decided that I will go ahead and meet my simple objective for the day - Establish rapport with the child.

I was really glad that I stayed on! I witness a love between a parent and a child. I witnessed the heartache of a parent. One other thing I learned most being a Social Worker is - Just being there for someone.

At the end of 4 hours, I thought I had (1) met my objectives. Rapport established with the child! The child likes me!! Gave me such a tight hug and warm greeting! Melted my heart. (2) Established a greater rapport with my client. One visit is always never enough to gain information. (3) Just being there for a client.

I loved today. I felt it's the most productive day of the whole week. *yawn*

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