Friday, October 12, 2012

1 week to 7 months

Darling dear,

Mummy is on a writing streak again.  If you realize, it's happening only on days when your daddy attends music practice for Sunday service.

Lest I have no time to jot things down when you turn 7 months on the exact, I think I better do it today.  Today, you are just 1 week short to be a 7-month old baby.  At 7.6kg, mummy's shoulders are aching with all the carrying but I am enjoying every moment of it.  I want to carry you, kiss you, cuddle you all I want now because you will soon be running and not wanting any of it.

You are sitting very steadily now and you can play by yourself! *clap clap clap* Also, you somehow talk as if you are singing.  By God's grace, I am getting more sleep because you can sleep through the night! Praise God for the invention of humidifier.  The minute I moved it from one end of the room to having it right in front of your cot, you slept throughout!

Toys are beginning to interest you a little more.  I sure hope that you will show more interest in books other than it being a biting toy. OH! Speaking of biting! Yes, your bottom two teeth have sprouted out! Mummy got so excited upon seeing it that I kept screaming out in joy - while you were crying. :) Well, at least that stopped your crying.

Having you have taught me what maternal instinct is.  At first I thought the minute I have a child, I would have the immediate instinctive to know what to do as a mother.  No, absolutely not.  If that is the scale where mothers are rated upon, I would probably fare very poorly.  To me, it simply means that as our relationship builds, I will know you better. I can better distinct your different cries, laughter, breathing and bring to you what comfort you best (to my best). 

It is very nice bringing you out now.  You are more predictable and I don't feel so all over the place when you start crying when you are outside.  I have also found a carrier which you love.  It's as if magic has taken place! The minute you are inside, you stop crying or whining.

I simply love her hearty laughter.  She is such a joy!!!
You are a joy.  Truly a joy.  When I see your 姨姨 & 婆婆 carry and hug and kiss you, I know you are a joy.  Your smiles, laughter & googoogaga could send all of us giggling.  Every now and then I would be sending photos to your godma, 姨姨 & 婆婆 and that picture would have made their day! See, what a joy you are!

I pray daily, that this joy will not be robbed away from you.  May God teach daddy and mummy how to parent you, may He grant us the wisdom, show us His grace and grant us His mercy.

3 generation... My mum & sis whom I love dearly.

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