Monday, July 09, 2012

Reality hits

Dear Faith,

You have turned 16 weeks!  How time flies without even me realizing.  Daddy didn't bathe you for a week and when he did, he said that you have grown! Body longer and head circumference bigger.

Last week, we brought you for your first swimming session.  You really disliked the float around your head but the minute your body hit the water, you started turning round and round and round.  When one kid cried, leading to 2-3 others crying, you continued to go around the pool, not giving two hoots to what is happening.  You know, on seeing how happy you were in the small pool, daddy had tears welled up! No one needs to convince us to sign up the package for you. :)

You are even more generous with your smiles and chuckles now. The minute you wake up from your sarong, you dashed me your bo-gei smile immediately! Now that I am back to work, I really really miss your smiles & even cries! Well, mummy survived her first day at work, thanks to technology.. Every other hour, I would be looking at your photo.  Oh, I have decorated my workstation with a photoframe and the picture of you on my laptop desktop.. :P

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