Monday, July 30, 2012

Hair for Hope 2012

Dear Faith,

After accompanying my friend for her shave the past few years, I decided to go under the shaver myself this year.  As my friend was the booster, Faith, you are the one who gave me courage.  This is the annual fundraising organized by Children's Cancer Foundation called Hair for Hope.  Other than raising awareness, it serves to help children who are undergoing cancer know that "Hey, it's ok.. you are not alone being bald."

With you in my life, I understood more of what emcompasses a parent's heart, of love and of pain. You helped me to understand what will bring a smile to a parent's face yet what will break a parent's heart.  When life and death is in the picture, it pains the child, it pains the parents.

I pray as you have given me this courage, may you also grow up to be a woman of courage yourself.

On a side note, hey! You are 4.5 months already!  You have finally stunned me with your first flip.  Thereafter, you kept practicing this newly found skill. Very cute indeed.  Daddy and mummy is definitely much more confident to bring you out now.  We have learned what agitates you and what not.  So what not, we do more.  What does, we do less.  We are looking forward to more stunning moments of yours!

For now, this is the latest quick update.



Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I chanced upon your blog when searching for a quote from Torey Hayden's book. And I scanned through some of your posts hope you don't mind! (: Just wanted to say I really admire you for the work you've done... Are you still a social worker now? Thanks for always silently working to make this world a happier place. It sounds like a heavenly ideal - the world a happier place. But know that whatever we do makes a difference, however small. Thanks for believing that you can make a difference. The world needs more people like you (: Hope you will lead a happier and blessed life with your family (:

sandra lim said...

Hi there, hope you managed to find the quote you needed. :) Love Torey Hayden's book and I admire her work and love for children too. Yes, I am still in the social service sector. Thanks for your encouragement and it REALLY has lifted my spirits. May you be blessed with a fulfilling life too.. :)