Friday, September 29, 2006
It says:
When you are at the top level, the only next level is:
Down to earth.
Because of a conversation that I had with a friend nearly 4 years ago, this sentence struck me deeply the whole day. It rang out the word Humility.
Many times, as a human, we fall into complacency & we get proud. It sounds really only logical that when one is at the top level, the next level to really go is to check ourselves and humble ourselves.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Perspective on Beauty
**Not for the faint hearted cause Sandra's gonna get thick skin**
27th September 2006 18:45:05 via sms
Old man: 1 to go JB?
Me: Nw?Y?Me gg CG nw..:)
Old man: 1 to fatten u up. You are too skinny.
Me: Haa..Well,i think i'll need to eat more.Ophir has made me lost weight.
Old man: See la..Who will want you then? See you so skinny.
Me: Too bad if they only see the outlook..:)
Old do pple see the inside on the first meeting?
Me: But I AM beautiful what?Only a little skinny.. hee..
Old man: You say no use.Must see what pple say.
Me: Pple say I pretty,can or not? Hee!
Old man: Hey.. got difference between fantasy and reality and surreality you know?
Me: Oi!! You want to say I not pretty right? I am ok?
Old man: Well.. the rules is that when a girl say that, cannot defy.
Me: You and your rules! Go tell that to your daughter la..Anyway,i luv hw I look.A little skinny and "sam ba" but pretty enough.
Old man: Ya..Deceive yourself somemore.
Me: Don't crap with you already.Go CG.
That's the sparring between old man and me. Always forcing me to eat more to put on weight.. Feels like a daughter being forced! Hee...! But I know.. old man meant well.. Gave me 2 lanterns from Vietnam (mission trip) and 6 cans of Bird's Nest drink. One for daddy, one for mummy, one for sister and three for me.. hahaha!!
28th September 2006 13:14 via card
Arrived in office receiving a card from boss who's last day is tomorrow.
Dear Sandra,
xxxxx xxxxxx x x xx x x xxxxxx (Personal)
Anyway, it was so good knwing you. My confidence in you was "constructed" to encourage you because I was boss. [In my card to him, I thanked him for his confidence in me] But I genuinely felt that you have much to offer if you will speak up more (italics own). Be bold! I see you as a very beautiful person within (and without!) that have many interesting views on the different situations you face around you. In a sense, all you need to do is just believing more in yourself. The rest, just commit to Him - Together with all the glory!
xxxxx xxxxxx x x xx x x xxxxxx (Personal)
Speak up. I have been told umpteenth time to speak up! I don't really speak up. For rights, for self, for unhappiness, for anything. I know I have been too quiet which is NOT good and I am perfectly self-aware of that.
Today in our weekly meeting, new boss went one round asking all of us what is our behaviour when we are angry with client/self/colleague and our behaviour when we are stress. Also, what is our coping mechanism.
I thought and thought and thought.. and as I thought, I stared at my lovely colleague and I said "When I am angry or stress, I will be very very very very very very VERY VERY VERY quiet." Wah!! Almost immediately, my colleague said "Yah..Very quiet! So quiet until quite scary at times!" My coping mechanism (as shared) is to leave me alone. I will sometimes just take out my earphones to listen to music too. But being quiet is just me not wanting angry words to fly cause it usually hurts and I usually can't retract it back. What I didn't share is that sometimes, when I am REALLY angry, keeping quiet is really for me to cool down, pray and reflect! And then, if time permits, I will take a walk outside and call a friend to ventilate. (I will try not to ventilate in office unless it's frustration with clients)
Heee.. I know I know.. Being quiet has its pros and cons. Like boss said, I know that I will need to speak up more and be bold and confident. I have to understand that no question is a silly question. Just speak up and ask. (And I am really trying) Yet, being quiet, is also my way of coping. I don't know how else to cope other than being quiet.
Anyhow, I am glad for an open environment in my office where we were given the opportunity as real as today - to be asked how we behaved when we get angry. Am encouraged by boss' encouragement too. For those who know, lately, I struggle a bit at work lately. I struggle being lack of confidence and I know I feel insecure at times. I am not sure if I am on the right track and am not sure if I am really a help to my clients. But I have acknowledged that I am new (in this line and this organization). Being insecure and lack of confidence is part and parcel of work life but more so, that "crisis" should be taken as an opportunity instead! To turn it around and rely more on God! To turn to Him for wisdom. And at the same time, it's ok to be humble and admit that there are things that I really don't know and it's ok to ASK. It's ok cause we are learning everyday.
Hmm... Ok ok.. I have digressed alot today. Unusually "noisy". Hee..! Just thought of sharing something that impacted me today - which is the card and the meeting. :)Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Final Quarter of the year!
4th Oct: Prayer Meet (CG)
6th Oct: Mooncake Celebration - CG (not firmed)
15th Oct: Membership - Go Noel Go!!! *smile*
20th Oct : Food Crawler (Unit)
21st Oct: Outing with kids from a Children's Home (CG)
4th Nov: Macritchie (Unit)
8th Nov: Prayer Meet (CG)
Mid Nov: Dragonboat/Rockclimbing/PulauUbin/Others in celebration of 2 CG members' birthday
Main theme: Touching LIVES.
Last quarter already...! Let's end it real well to welcome 2007... :P
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Up and Down (with a different perspective)
Just a few weeks back, my AD said that he's leaving. Soon, in a couple of days, he will be leaving.
The first time I met him, he just got out of his car that's parked along the road near my office. My friend then told me - That's our boss. I was astounded. He was clad in berms, sandals and a normal polo top. I thought - COOL! That's my boss-to-be (I started as an intern). In the first meeting with him, he told me this (paraphrased again), "Sandra, I am sure you have your reasons for doing a career switch and I believe that God has called you into this line. I am a Christian too, by the way. When I first knew that you were Engineering trained, I have my doubts if you could make it as a Social Worker." I interferred, "What made you change your mind?" He replied, "Your covering letter and your resume made the difference. Your opening statement - "Just a slight intro of myself to get it going". I thought it was warm and friendly. Not like an Engineer."
Well, then on, me and boss had our ups and downs. There were times when we don't see eye to eye. There were times when I didn't exactly feel like talking to him. There were times when I was frustrated that I didn't get the full supervision which I really long for YET on the other hand, I know that I am in an organization that... well... doesn't have clinical supervision. Lots of interesting ups and downs on the overall. But at the end of it, I am still thankful to him as he was, afterall, my supervisor. His comments to me and on me were very encouraging. Times when I flopped, he encouraged me on with a positive outlook. Best part - He's the first boss who's my age. Haaaa... (I flipped when I realised that!)
Indeed, change is about the only constant thing in our life.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Up Up Up.. Down Down Down.. Ouch Ouch Ouch
There were plenty of times when I thought of giving up. Plenty. By nature I am a worrier. The night before the night climb, I was worried for every single thing! Worried if I can make it, worried for my colleague's back, worried if my friend could do the rock climbing portion, worried if we may trip and fall, worry about every single thing I can worry about. When the climb started, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I could still see. Then along the way up, I worry about how to climb down. NOW.. the last worry is a valid worry! The steps up were very steep and a little bit slippery.. so, climbing down was quite a tough chore. Each step down was like hurting my feet and my knee! I wished I could follow my friend's advise on running down (meaning to plan my steps and do it fast) but by then, I didn't have that sufficient strength in my legs already!
Now, I am still trying to convince myself that I did do that climb! (Thankfully, I have my aches to let me acknowledge the facts) Gosh.. it was like another dream come true for me. Along the way, I questioned myself, my friend, my colleagues - WHY did I land myself into doing it!!!!??? My friend shot me the question back - Why did I allow you to get me into this?! Hahaha... When I reached the summit, I knew that it's all worth the effort!
The feeling is just beyond description.
All righty... Tata for now.. Time to rest my arms, back, legs and mind. =) More photos here.. :)
Oh yah! Guess what? We all made it to work today!!! Hahaha!!! But, we were all sort of limping away like old ladies! And also, I began to appreciate the elderly more and am able to emphatize with them more now then before. More so, I understand now why elderly people need a walking stick!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Sightings & Learnings
Today is my 4th night at work. Was absolutely tired out physically & mentally & perhaps emotionally. After a few unhappy stories on broken marriages, I saw two married couples (assumed since wedding bands were on their left wedding fingers). One couple is around my age and the other is about slightly younger than my parents. Holding hands, giggling away, chatting away.. As if no one else around them matters. Just them. Just their conversation. Just their world. It's nice and it's warm. I found myself staring at them. I even found myself smiling. Obviously, they are oblivious to me staring so I have no qualms just looking on. Haaa!!
I am a people observer. When I was younger (10 years back), I love to sit at Mrs Fields at this building that's opposite Liat Towers. I will usually choose a sit beside the glass panel. When I meet my friend at 3pm, I will be there earlier about 2pm just to people watch. I love to observe people. It's quite eye-opening really - just observing the body language and the vibes they exude. Heehee...
Today, I had a 3.25hrs meeting. An official FSC meeting with my new AD. I tell you, the ONE thing out of those many hours that I brought out with me was: She said (paraphrased) "One thing that I can never tolerate is gossip. I have ZERO tolerance for gossip in the office! First of all, we are paid to serve our clients. With 60 over cases, do we still have time to gossip?! Second of all, it takes alot of energy to gossip! More importantly, a gossip will tear down more than it builds up! I will not tolerate and I have fired staff before!"
Man.. Any idea how piercing it was to me? Just in yesterday's blog, I talked about gossip. You know, sometimes, as human beings, it's so natural to bring an innocent "feedback" to some other colleague which you get along well with. And sometimes, it's not just one colleague. It can be a few colleagues. Then when it started innocently, it will end up deadly. Because when it start and when WE allow it to continue, we are ENCOURAGING it to carry on!
It's sad.. It's even sadder IF and WHEN you know that there are people talking behind your own back. It's not easy to handle situations like this. It's harder even to find security. People may get insecure. I know how it feels definitely... I grew up being totally insecure. I craved for acceptance and when I don't get accepted, I question on my own self-esteem. In my growing up days, I was on the hate list by a few girls. The fact that I know they gossip and laugh behind my back was painful. I wanted badly to know why they hated me and till now, 16 years on, I am still living with the question unanswered.
Thankfully, I got to know God then. He became my Security & my Rock! When I am sad, I will go to Him. It's nice to have someone to turn to. My situation was then turned around. I refused to let unanswered questions bug me down so I instead, I chose the better way out - To build my confidence in the Lord. Of course, having church friends who accepted me felt like sweets after a bitter drink!
Today, one major lesson I learnt is that to love is also to accept. To accept one for who he/she is. To accept one without judgement. God is love and so we love. Time for me to be that sweet to others.
Proverbs 26:20 "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down."
Proverbs 18:8 "The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts."
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
We Humble Ourselves
Anyway, today, ended my day watching a DVD based on a true story at my office. Got me cringing and "argh!" I wouldn't want to bore you guys with the details of it but it got me to think - The role of a Social Worker may not seem very significant but yet sometimes, the decision that a Social Worker makes can just change the life of a person. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Suddenly, I just felt that it's quite "scary".
Time to get to bed soon. Been working nights for the past few days..
Monday, September 18, 2006
A "Church-less" Sunday
Yesterday, Sunday, was the rarest day that I did not go to church. Heeeee.. That's because church service was on Saturday! My sister knowing that there's no service, she took leave and we made our way to East Coast Park!! We planned to kayak then she and our friend, Jan, will continue to roller skate. All plans to be out at sea were scrapped when we saw how choppy the sea and how grey the sky was!! Therefore, I rented a bike and the other 2 gals skated. I thought I could happily ride.. But Carol held on to my bicycle seat!! Gosh! She weighed a TON man!! *chuckle* Thereafter, my thigh ached!
It was an Hope-bumping Sunday at ECP.. Saw at least 3 groups of familiar faces while I was riding. Haaaa.. It was indeed a RARE Sunday to be out that we all just didn't mind waking up early..! After about 2 hours plus, Carol and Jan went their way to Katong for Katong Laksa and I went to City Hall to meet Wen, Fen and twins for dim sum..! We girls turned up in Orange top and the bois turned up in White. Heee... Looked as if it was arranged which of course is impossible!! All in all, we all just couldn't believe that yesterday was a Sunday. It felt more like a Saturday.
Hmmm... Just showed how "planned" our biological clock is!

P.s. I really prefer Sunday School to Saturday School!!!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
15 years old
Every year at this time, I get bouts of emotions welling inside of me. Each year, church just feel more home than the previous year. This year's theme is "History Maker". As I was looking at the video clips of the testimonies of brothers and sisters who came to know the Lord, I uttered a prayer of thanks to the Lord for sticking close to me all these while.
Today, I chatted with a sister about how was things like when I came back from overseas. I joined the Returnees CG (this was to cater for those who returned back from overseas studies) upon arrival. It felt very welcoming actually. The fact that there was some liaising between Brisbane's & Singapore. This shows how much people matters. Thereafter, I broke away from the Returnees CG and followed Penny, my CL to pioneer another CG. *hmmm* It started with just 5 of us too! We 5 were young, weak & unstable in our friendship. Time could only tell.. As time pass, we got closer & conflicts arose even more often. Yet, through these conflicts, we got to know each other better, we mature in friendship & we love one another more. We stuck by each other through good and bad times. From the 5, we grew and we multiplied. Since the time I broke off from the Returnees CG, I have been with Penn eversince.
I always find that God is very humourous. When I first heard that Penn was my shepherd, I questioned God - How can it be??? I have not even spoken alot of words to her though we were in the same CG. At the same time, I sensed "trouble" when I, stubborn, got a shepherd who can be equally stubborn. I had laughed & cried countless times in front of her. There are times when I don't feel like meeting up with her for shepherding yet, she has and always is the faithful one. Over the past 3 years, our lives have been moulded & changed.
Changes would really have not been possible if not been for God's unconditional love, grace and mercy. I have really really tested Penn's patience and love many times. I remember couple of years back when I was NEARLY to the edge of losing my faith, she shared with me that she cried for me. She prayed hard for my soul. She loved me to the best that she can. She loved me with the love of God. I tell you, Penn seldom cry one lor!!! And - that - was the life-changing experience for me. Not only because tears was dropped. It was because, I know, I am in a church which is God anointed, which is biblical, which is loving, which is relational, which has a big vision (and they mean it!), ectera...
I am part of History Making! I am part of Hope Church - the church which I call home. I am sure, just as my life has been impacted through this church by God, many many others have been and will be too.


- Just some photos which I managed to snap before the fun REALLY begins.. Hee.. When it really began, I didn't exactly remember to snap.. :P
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Have I ever mentioned (in one of my 250 over entries) that I had a boyfriend (yonder years ago) who was in the dragonboat team? Gosh... I had ALWAYS wondered what's so fun about being in a boat that had a dragon head in front and a tail at the back. Today, I found the thrill of it. Corporately speaking, I found the thrill of togetherness, the thrill of what can be achieved through a team who cooperates and coordinate, the thrill of putting in your ultimate best. And personally, just the thrill of being on a boat gives me great joy.
I guess.. a HUGE part of me love the sun and the sea. Where everyone commented what a lovely weather we had today, inside of me, I wondered sadly where has the sun gone to. Somehow, the feel of the sun on the skin just feel... burnt. Haha!! No la.. Feels nice. Nice you know? It's like hot.. then you dip yourself into the water. The transition of the temperature. Haaa.. Ok.. I am simply RAMBLING... And YES.. I LOVE the sea. Gives me great joy just to be part of it.
Ps 52:8-9 "But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever. I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints."
- One more day to Hope 15th Anniversary! *woohoo*-
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My Day
Today, I spent the day with my dogs, bed, books & TV. Sparkle just walked in and out of my room. When I am on my seat, he will be under my seat. When I am on my bed, he will jump up and sleep beside me. Watched a Korean movie. I thought it will be a happy-ending. Who knows, it's a sad romantic movie. *grimace* I thought I could really do with a joyful romantic show today!
Then I caught Get Real! which I missed on Monday. It was an interview with Pastor Andrew & Grace Choo and the girls in the Girls' Home which was set up in 1998 - Andrew & Grace Home. They interviewed one father. What the father said stabbed straight into the core of my heart. He said - Honestly, which parent will want to put their daughter to a home? But I want my daughter back. I can give up on my pride but I want my daughter back. A couple of months back, I questioned - how can any parents place their child on a BPC (Beyond Parental Control) order and thus a Girls' or Boys' Home. During that time, when I saw my girls in a Home, my heart was so painful despite knowing that a Home may be helpful. I guessed, the heart of a parent is that they want their child to grow up well. They want their child to grow up good. As Ps Andrew cried over the girl whom he has no choice but to put in isolation, I can't helped but to drop tears too. Though his ways of handling the girls are a little controversial, I guess his heart and burdens are for the troubled girls.
Today, I finally managed to re-reformatted my computer! The last time when I reformatted my PC, somehow, it got infected with a virus. So, no choice, gotta go through the whole process again. A long process but a good one. Least the virus was wiped out!
My Old-Friend
I have an old (old as in age-old since he's my mother's age) friend who has been matchmaking me with the one and only common friend that we have - Let's call him ABC (hahaha!!). Heehee... Try as I might, and as polite as I can be, to tell old-friend that I am not interested to be matchmade (to ABC) or I'd prefer someone of the same church, he is still insistent that I will of good match with ABC. Try as I might to tell him that God WILL provide for me, try as I might to tell him that if I am too old to give birh, I will adopt, it's to no avail. Hahaha!!
*sigh* I wish this matchmaking "OMO-agency" will stop and just be a friend. Sometimes it's rather ironical - I miss old-friend. Yet I will hesitate to drop him a sms or a tinkle. BUT, I always know that through everything, it's done with a genuine concern for me.
Oh.. By the way, this old-friend was my study mate & my pacer during our Grad Dip in Social Work course. I wouldn't have passed my exams if not for this old-friend. I had a terrible time transitting to this new course of study and a hard time getting to know the rest of my colleagues as we were all part-timers. I have always looked up to him. Always tell myself that if a 50-over-year old man can study, so can I. When he suggested studying together, we had the fun-est time at Burger King laughing our heads out over past exams questions. Once when I went to his house for studies, I was touched by his love for his wife and children. It's funny how we became good friends despite the HUGE age gap.
The irony of life.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Seen & Awed
I was personally in awe by this musical. Among the many other musicals that I watched, this local musical was really quite up to par. (other than some technical issues like no sound) The marriage between the East and the West was plotted and portrayed fantastically. At certain scenes, I felt it really captivated my attention. I thought, at certain parts, it nearly moved me to tears - the heart of a mother. The music was good and the lyrics sounds so... poetic! (As prophets needs a sign, as lovers need a desire, etc...)
And oh... I must comment what a great and powerful voice Kit Chan has! I really noticed her only in the late 90s when she sang the National Day theme song - Home. Her voice was melodious. Somehow, that still wasn't exactly the word to describe what I am feeling. :)
A great end to my disastrous Monday. God has promised me a better tomorrow and I shall not worry about tomorrow for God WILL give me that strength!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
- Proverbs 3:5-6
Before this verse came to me, battling within me were 2 main issues over the past 2 weeks - disappointment in a friendship & my career learning curve. I will question the favourite question - Why? Why is it me again God? (Pertaining to the disappointment) Hahaha!!! *flip* Tell me who doesn't ask questions like this?
As I prayed over the past few weeks, encouragement comes in all shapes and sizes unexpectedly. (Unexpectedly because I have not mentioned anything to anybody). Through the Bible, through sms prayers and through sermons.
See.. As we pray, God will work!!! As when Paul and Silas were in jail, they still prayed and sing praise and worship and after that, there was a miracle and they were released out of jail (in a nutshell).
Ultimately, I learnt that struggles will not go away, disappointments will still happen, thoughts will still carry on, questios like "why me?" still will be left unanswered. However, as we place our full trust in the Lord, as we continue to keep praying, praising & worshipping Him, He will set things in place.
Personally am real glad to be part of the body of Christ. More so than ever, I am glad to be part of my church - Hope Church. Been around for 4 years and each year just gets better. As I see people around me grow, I am glad that I grew too.. I guess, that's what iron sharpens iron really meant. This Saturday, we will be celebrating our 15th anniversary at Expo Hall 2 and I am looking REAL forward to it!!!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
11th May 2004 & ectera
Now.. That was the date that I started my blog. =) By the MIGHTY powers of technology and with the combination of my personal journal, I was able to remember clearly what happened yonder years ago. (Hum.. Ok.. Maybe NOT that many years ago. Consistent journalling starts only about 3 years back)
I was having a good laugh at myself as I read the first few entries that I have written in my blog. Over the years , I found that I have learned how to express myself a tad better than 2 years back. Through the many changes, one thing remained the same though - My purpose of a blog. Haaa... I started a blog with the main intention of keeping my friends involved in my life. Along with it, comes the intention of learning how to be disciplined in writing, how to improve in my language, how to express myself & how I can use my blog to share the love of Christ.
Today, I spent a whole day at home (with the exception of my morning jog). Just wanted to rest myself from the outside world. Haaaa... Of late, I have been rather clogged up with thoughts. Too many changes that has been happening in my office that the Mel part of me needs a break.
I had a morning jog with a friend. A good catch up I must say. Then I went to borrow a DVD - Take the lead to watch together with my sister. It was an AMAZING movie based on a true life story of Pierre Dulaine on how he used dance to create magic in the lives of a bunch of worst & most troubled students in a school. Personally, I watched it with great interest - (1) Dance being something that I love & (2) the extra mile Pierre took to reach out to the youths. He persevered despite the many hindrances!
All righty.. Some photos from the past few nights:

Had Nexus half filled with kids on Thursday night! It was a RARE sight honest! We had a Zoo Hunt for the children with Elton as Zonk and Hannah as Zinc and I didn't managed managed to take a photo of the last gal - Aifang as Zoe. These 3 youths were amazing as they acted and served in various ways like P&W, deco, etc. That night, I felt I was a kid myself too!!


Haaa.. To end the week, my org had a sports event for the children and youth who are with us at a Secondary School. What happened and what games we played, don't ask me. What I ONLY remember was after the whole event, my colleagues and I had a fascinating time with the pond, the plants and the birds. We either had very deprived childhood OR we simply miss our childhood.
-* relaxed with the anticipation of Forbidden City in just 2 days time *-
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Gruesome death
Prior to lunch, I met a client. I found out then that my client was near death. However, client's very resilient & strong & refused to succumb to death. When I found out about it, I was just suddenly hit by an emotional gush. This client is one of the many clients whom I love. As helpless as it is that I cannot share God's love with clients, I do still pray for them. Many a times, I leave the house thinking that it will be so great if they know God. NOT that their conditions will be suddenly better. NOT that the broken marriages will suddenly be healed. BUT for the simple fact that they know who they can go to for comfort & love & healing.
A pigeon is after all, just a bird. However, what went through my mind was death can really be so sudden. Sometimes, we just can't control it. Just as Steve Irwin will never have prepared for death by a sting ray. It just got me thinking about the many many MANY MANY out there who has yet to known God. Even for those who has known and has turned away. The fear of where we will reside after death got me "uppity". There's so many whom I loved and love.
As shared before in my previous blog on Lazarus and the Rich Man, the thin line between eternal death and eternal life is only in saying "I do" to Christ. As for me, instead of fluttering my wings and watch on, I better start a prayerful life and PRAY!!
Ok.. it has been a tiring day just by crying. Haa.. Shall turn in & pray!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word.
Give my request your personal attention,
rescue me on the terms of your promise.
Let praise cascade off my lips;
after all, you've taught me the truth about life!"
- Psalms 119:169-171 (The Message)
I pray that God will be the anchor of my life. The pivot of all my decisions. The love of my life.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Thinking about HIS love
She then said this (paraphrased cause I forgot exact words.. Hee..) - San, I will pray for you. I will pray that you will be able to find a husband who will honor and protect you and one who loves God. In short, she will pray for a Godly husband for me. *smile* You have no idea how much her understanding means to me.
It warmed my heart like how a candle gives warmth to a dark cold room. Having known my best friend for a good 16 years, I have been praying for her for 14 years (on and off since I backslided before) to come to know God. Being close to her has somehow always made things harder for me to share. However, I start to pray that God will speak to her Himself. I pray that He will send people to encourage her. God is amazing. He did just that.
Being someone of simple childlike faith, she advises me consistently to have faith in God. Don't complicate things. Just have faith. Man.. Talk about complicating. Don't we humans complicate things so often? Being someone who finds her peace in God, she often share how God has been her comfort & joy & strength. Someone with a thankful heart, she often share with me how thankful she is towards God has been leading her and opening job opportunities for her. Through her, I am re-learning simple things.
That, in itself, is joy. After 14 years, I thought we are finally am on the same frequency. Not like we didn't get along well. We did and we ARE! Just that frequency was different. But suddenly, we are talking the same language! "I will pray for you." & "Please pray for me." as compared to "Er.. we see how things go yah?" or "I will pray for a Godly husband for you" as compared to "Why need a Godly man as husband?". Man.. it was quite tough explaining why I want a partner who loves God. Haha!!! With a common spoken language, we could easily think of HIS love - God's love.
All rightie.. Just some quick post-happenings...

Celebration of Nelson's birthday at Billy Bombers at Marina Square on Wednesday in replacement of CG (oh.. After my breastfeeding talk at KKH). HmmP..! I had a VERY expensive All-Star burger! Woohoo!! It was a HUGE patti of beef. Good thing we have a Noel in our CG because he sort of has a bottomless stomach. Heeee.. Noel, don't blame us if you put on weight heh!!

*SOB* I was very upset on Friday.. *sOb Sob* When I joined my org in January as an intern, I was inside the air-conditioned office. Then when I joined officially as a full timer, I was permanently moved outside to the non-air-conditioned place. Though it's not that cooling but I sure love my workspace. I was in my small little corner with my small space for writing. Best of all, my ezyema sort of stopped because my skin was no longer dry! More so, I had developed strong attachments because it was my FIRST workstation in my WHOLE entire working life! Terrible right? I have worked for a good 7 years but I have always shared PCs and space.
WELL.. When we were all to shift back into the office, my logical sense has to come and take over my emotional attachment! I convinced myself that sitting under the aircon (now) will have be complaining less about being hot. I thought also that printing papers now will be much easier since the photocopier is beside me. Least of all, if I need to print with the letter head, I don't have to run in and out of office. Best of ALL, the cabinet for the casefiles is just beside me now!
Hokay.. Just like a friend's advice before, change is about the only constant thing in life. I just have to learn how to change fast in this dynamic organization.

Ah huh! I literally had a HOT date on Friday night! It was a REAL HOT HOT HOT date with my sister and Jan. Went to Ayam Penyet Ria at Lucky Plaza level 4. Queue was long but who cares when we were in good company! Oh gosh.. The sambal was SO hot that
(STOP for awhile!! Dick Lee singing HOME on Ch 5!!!!)
Ok. Back with a melted heart. Not that he's handsome or anything but the song is JUST so fantastically composed & sung and even written.
Anyway, yes.. the sambal was so hot that I thought I was high on chilli.

Heeeee... In Carol's blog, she said that this is her virgin trip to Comex. Tsk.. Real S.K. (Suaku aka Mountain Tortoise). I had my fun and joy teasing her for it being her FIRST time Comex (since she always tease me)! Hahaha!! Thus, no matter HOW crowded it is, I still continue to snap away.. :)
Had a great Sunday of P&W, testimony, sermon. Since God has spoken to me, it's now's time for me to go back to my reading & personal journal.
- 8 more days to Forbidden City -
Friday, September 01, 2006
Love always Protects
I read this a few days back & it brought tears to my eye.
A book by Max Lucado, A Love Worth Giving - Living in the overflow of God's love. It's a Valentine's Day gift that's given to his daughters - framed up.
But how do I give this gift? Is there a store that sells laughter? A catalog that offers kisses? No. Such a treasure can't be bought. But it can be given. And here is how I give it to you.
Your Valentine's Day gift is a promise, a promise that I will always love your mother. With God as my helper, I will never leave her. You'll never come home to find me gone. You'll never wake up and find that I have run away. You'll always have two parents. I will love your mother. I will honor your mother. I will cherish your mother. That is my promise. That is my gift.
I really can't help but to drop tears. (Being a little melacholic) I was transported to about a year back when I attended this helping youth seminar by Josh McDowell. I remember the message he brought across very strongly was the importance of a father figure. He gave an example where he was giving a talk to a large crowd (in U.S.) about family (or somewhere along the line). Suddenly, this guy dressed gothic looking start walking towards him. He mentioned that he was afraid that this guy was about to punch him but he thought it'll be better if he continue to look "cool". Suddenly, this guy, went real close to Josh. Paused for awhile, looked at him and suddenly, he gave Josh a big hug and he started to cry. He started to cry for the father figure that has always been missing in his life.
Whether a father figure or a mother figure is really important I really don't know. It's too hard to collect statistics like which parent role is more important. But I do know that with the absence of ONE parent, the child is deprived of alot and ALOT of "incentives" in his/her growing up years.
Love always protects. That's the protection and assurance that Max Lucado has given to his daughters.