Tuesday, July 18, 2006

If VS When

I attended a Gambling Addictions: Assessment, Brief Interventions & Community Referrals (GA-ABC in short) today at SSTI (Social Service Training Institute). It's a 2-day course so today and tomorrow.

It was taught by a counselor working at CAMP (Community Addiction Management Programme). He started by saying that there is this part of our brain that's called "Reward" and what it does is that Reward will cause the person to remember the adrenalin rush, excitment & thrill of the thing they will soon be addicted to.

It was a fun and interactive lesson. Interactive mainly cause my brains were actively thinking of how I can apply what I learn to my clients. At the same time, I was thinking "Hmmm.. IS there ANYTHING that I am, personally, addicted to?"

When, we came to this portion where the counselor says "We have to recognise our clients' belief system. There is a difference when one says 'If I win, I will xxx' vs 'When I win, I will xxx". He went on to explain that the difference is that "When" gives more hope to the fantasies of the addictor. Funny how a word change the notion of the statement. At that moment, I can't help but think how think "IF they know God, they will xxx" vs "When they know God, they will xxx". Actually as I dwell more on the statement, I felt that the latter brings more HOPE! *shrug* Not sure if you guys understand what I am talking about... Heehee...

Lecturer also touched on the part where Addiction is a Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance. Because it is a habit, there is a conscious effort from the addictor to put a stop to the habit.

That was when I recalled my conversation with my friend. Not too long ago, I gave a bible verse which spoke into my friend's life. It was also confirmed with me that that's what God has been speaking to my friend in that area. Then my friend asked (paraphrased) "Have you have experienced God speaking to you everyday confirming things with you everyday?" I went "Uh...I had.. But I hadn't had for a long time. We have to be soft for the Lord to work in us." Then to myself, I thought.. "Is it cause I haven't been praying for something specific?" or "Is it cause I am way too caught up with life's busy-ness?" or "I am not soft enough?" Then my friend went on to say "You can experience what I am experiencing too! God is real to me and to you! You not only need to be soft for God to work but you NEED to hunger for Him, you need to reach out for Him." Now, that was when I know who I HAVE to be addicted to. I have to be addicted to God!

Wah seh!! I tell you, that woke me up.. Suddenly, I felt that water was splashed (in a good way) on my head. That brought me to start planning my bible reading and consistent QT.

Anyway, just a few pictures of my weekend..

Elias Park on Sat. I nearly "died" cause I decided to save $3.00 on transportation and cycled there. Weather was first HOT.. Then 5 mins before I reached, it rained. Well, cycling home was scarier BUT easier cause I chose a different route. Scarier cause I forgot I do not have blinking light! Can't cycle on road!!!

On Sunday, I was privileged to be part of Noel's & Michelle's baptism! Why is it a privilege? Simply because a baptism is about the renewal of life. Ain't it a privilege? More so than ever, personally, it encouraged me alot. Been quite some time that I see someone crossing the line of faith.


The Recreation Corner said...

Your pictures really are very nicelt taken and creatively merged.

Muz teach me someday.

sandra lim said...

Thank you.. It's taken with my mobile phone so it's weirdly taken but turned out well. =)

Will teach if there's a chance.. All my pics in my blog has been merged and done via Photoshop..