Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Forgiving VS Trusting

Today, I was doing my reading and I was very "obsessed" with this statement.

"Forgiveness is letting go of the past. Trust has to do with future behavior. Forgiveness is immediate WHETHER the person ask for it. Trust is rebuilt over time."

It is a commandment by God to forgive but we are not expected to trust immediately.

Perhaps the reason why only this part of the entire chapter spoke to me most is because many times too often, I have parents asking me "Why should I forgive?"
I get very frustrated cause the welfare of the child is at risk.

I personally feel that sometimes, many of us "refused" to forgive thinking that the other person don't deserve it.
But didn't realised that it's not ONLY the other person who benefit from it.
Many others ESPECIALLY themselves will benefit.


DARLing said...

Thanks for sharing this
Forgiveness is letting go of the past. Trust has to do with future behavior. Forgiveness is immediate WHETHER the person ask for it. Trust is rebuilt over time

Tiger said...

I guess you could see it this way. God forgave us freely despite our inadequateness, so in that sense, being much less perfect and flawed why should we be less generous with forgiveness? Being sinners, we already received Grace for what we don't deserve so I guess we should do so for others? :P
Of course, we are expected to repent of our sins and change from our sinful ways after forgiveness and thus would expect the person whom we forgave to change his/her wrong ways (safety of child in this case). I think reminding him/her or correcting in love is better than holding a grudge and be unforgiving. Thanks for bringing out this topic of forgiveness. Something which we should constantly remind ourselves.

sandra lim said...

Yup! It's the grace and mercy that has flowed so free for you, me and EVERYBODY that makes everything so beautiful.

Actually, in a healthy sense, it IS good to forgive. When you exercise forgiveness, you are freeing yourself from hurts. Forgiving is to remove any negative emotions tt's dwelling within you.

Not easy la I must say. Being less perfect, being more sinful, does makes the process of forgiving harder. However, it's also through that process that our characters are moulded.

=) Thanks for sharing!!!