Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Geo and I watched the President's Command Performance on Sunday and was totally awed by some of the performance. What caught me in particular was Abigail Sin and Kam Ning's thanksgiving speech to God, to Him be the all glory and honor.

It was then that I thought of the Parable of the Talents. A master gave his 3 servants 5, 2 and 1 talent each. The servant with the 5 talents invested the 5 and gained 5 more. The second servant invested and gained 2 more. The servant with the 1 talent, in fear, dug a hole and protected that 1 talent by doing nothing with it. As the parable went, after a long time, the servants accounted their talents to their master. The master was VERY pleased with the first two servants who doubled their talents and he was very angry with the servant who did nothing with his 1 talent and chased him out.

As I watched on at the performers, I marveled at them. I marveled at how they had used their ONE talent and brought it to a greater level. I marveled at the hard work and effort they had put in to master that ONE talent to perfection. Not only hard work and effort but how they had put in expression and life into their music. They had put in their heart. And with that one talent they had, they attributed everything back to God.

I began to dig deep and question of my talent, of my gifting. Have I used it well? It's not about honing the MANY MANY things that I love to do, I want to do but honing the ONE thing that God has given me.


Anonymous said...

That's right. Always give your best and let God do the rest. "If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well", Ning's late Kong Kong always said.

Ning's grandpa played over 20 instruments, self taught, but he was the greatest and humblest of man.

May you continue to shine in all that you do.

sandra lim said...

Thanks for sharing. I would love to know Ning's lovely Kong Kong. Indeed, if anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well.