Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Moving ON!

Literally in a blink of an eye and 2005 will be over. The mad rush of Christmas is just over. It seemed as if it was just yesterday that we met up for discussion for the Christmas decorations but it is already past a month or two? This year Christmas has been the most meaningful one thus far.

Christmas has always given me a feeling of warmth and love. Not overlooking that Christmas IS a time where we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Whenever people ask me which holiday you loved most, I will always answer – Christmas whether or not I am a believer of Christ. It’s always a homecoming season, a celebration, a warm dinner, hugs & kisses and even smses from friends from distant land.

This year, I am also glad that I summoned all my courage to invite my friend to come for the service on Sunday. I was real glad that she enjoyed the service especially the drama. Kudos to the drama team, director and all! I shan’t write too much on the Christmas services. Tiger and many others have written about it. :) But one thing I must say is this. I was SO happy on Sunday! Cause I had the time of my life taking care (or is it playing?) of Nic! *sigh*... I asked Tiger how old is he and he told me that he's not much older than Nic. *I WONDER*!!!

Anyway, yesterday we had a time of thanksgiving and affirmation for our CG at Beng’s place. First thing we did when we arrive was to rush to the Christmas tree, put our presents and started our chat. We had potluck and MAN! I forgot to take photos of all the wonderful food we’ve cooked! We chatted, joked and laughed lots. For a moment, I just sat back in quietness and enjoyed the conversation that’s going on. For THAT moment, I really wished I had my video cam. I was imagining God being that invisible guest at our table looking at us, enjoying our conversation & laughing along with us.

When it come to the affirmation time, Beng had a HARDEST time of his life (I think). Being the first GUY to share, his words were VERY carefully monitored by the sisters in the CG. E.g. “Most of the time, she’s very nice.” For this a reply will storm out from us – “MOST only? Are you sure MOST?” Poor Beng… But he did the guys a favor by “setting” a standard I guess… Hee… And brother, you are GREAT! =) I'll post some pictures when I got hold of it... ;)

Well, at the end of it all, I must say, close or distant, long or short time spent, CG has been such a great part of my life. I love them all and they have been part of my learning curve. I can’t imagine how lonely I would be if not for the fellowship of the brothers and sisters in the church.

I have this habit at year-end. Every year-end, I will flip through my pages of my journal and then I will look through my goals. After that, I will set new goals. Now, I am putting on my thinking cap and am waiting in anticipation of the New Year. Lots of changes, lots of excitement. LOTS of learning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey...that lady besides u in photo, i think that I know her...I am not too sure cos it was long ago....