Thereafter that first day of work, my learning curve was steep. I keep reading & surfing websites. Going into the details such as the fine prints. Understanding the lives of the disadvantaged is another obstacle only because there IS NO way that I can understand them. Earlier when I had to do marriage counseling, that was worse!!! But like everyone encouraged me "You do not need to be a drug addict to know how a drug addict is like". Likewise, I do not need to be married in order to hear from married couples.
As I worked, I knew then that my heart & burden is for the young ones. I hold dearly the principle about how when we bring up the kids in the correct way when they are young, they will likely grow up to be adults who are useful. I then streamlined to be where I am currently.
My friend has asked me before "Have you ever thought of taking sabbatical leave from this industry?" I thought about it and answer is still "No..." Still, the simply joy of being with the children supersedes the tears that I have and will shed.
Hi hi... so where are you moving on to? =)
No where yet.. Still staying put - for now.. :P
House wife huh? =p
Noble profession leh.... Ha ha
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