I had a GREAT dinner!!! Being a holiday eve, Carol cooked her one-time-off porkchop with my favourite char-fried brown crisp onions, broccoli, potato salad (THE only thing I contributed) and pasta!! Yumz Yumz!! (I didn't mention the soup coz it's not nice. Don't buy Select Clam Chowder. Heehee..) The porkchop taste REAL good after being marinated for a good 3 days! Unfortunately for those reading, Carol says it's too tough a job. No more pork chops!! *Sob*
In the "kopi" session, I was listening to my Carol's interview woes. How "mean" the interviewers could be, how tough & cruel the Engineering line could be. "tough" cause it's a tough job and "cruel" cause you can't climb fast and far. As I was listening, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief that I am no longer in that line. Since graduation, I never thought how I could build a career which I have absolutely no interest in (my fault totally for choosing a wrong course). Of course, in the process of switching my career, there were umpteen times when I felt guilty cause I was under the "Papa-Mama" fund when I did my Bach. What use, honestly, is a good bach honors when it's not used? But all said and done, I truly love what I am doing now. Pay may not be as sky high but it's absolutely sufficient for living.
At the same time when I was listening, I also felt a sense of how de-motivating someone can be when an interview went bad. Before deciding on a career switch, I went for quite a bit of interviews. Often times, I found myself stuck and lack of confidence. When I stepped out of the room, I will always reflect and regret! "Aiya! Why did I answer in this manner? Aiya! Why didn't I think of this answer just now?" After awhile, I told myself I have choices to make - Either to live in regret and have the scene replayed in my mind over and over OR to learn from my mistakes and never let it happen again. I believe our mind and our thought-life is VERY important. Think positive, we will act positive.
ANYHOW, in my recollection, other than my Ozzie days, I think in Sg, yesterday was one of the rarest times when I had a "kopi" session with Carol and Jan; especially with Carol. Ironically, how close in proximity we may be but how far we could be due to different priorities and lifestyle. I absolutely enjoyed last night! We decided to NUA at coffee-club! We really NUA refusing to go home. After that, we took a car drive at the ECP service road. On the way home, mum called Carol and told us that Sparkle was waiting for us to be back home. That was er... 12:30am? He was at the door awaiting to welcome us...!
Happy Good Friday!
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