Monday, April 28, 2008

Sister's wedding

Carol, my dearest little-st sister's wedding just happened on Saturday. One of the most major event in the Lim family. I did not take many photos with her (I'm busy, she's busy).... Hahaha!! So this is one (out of two) of ZEE best!!!

While waiting for the groom's arrival, my dogs were entertained.

Carol's extended family. First time I met Ivan's nephews. The youngest is SO cute!

The gangster's wife! Don't play play ah!

Sisters awaiting

My lovely parents! Ain't my mother look gorgeous????!!!! My dad look almost a decade younger too! I love my parents a lot. I think I deserve them more than they deserve me. Although, I must say that after my dad's stroke, he is harder to serve but on hindsight, I thank God that through it, I learned a lot from my mum.

Look at us, tired eyes!! Pearly had a party organized for my eldest godson just the day before Carol's wedding. After which, I fetched her to my place for an overnight stay. That was a Friday. On Wednesday, I stayed over at her place so that we can prepare our emcee script. We both realized that this is her first time bunking at my place and my first time bunking in at hers. I think I would REALLY love to do it more! And the next time I bunk in at hers, I will learn how to put my godsons to bed PROPERLY! He told mummy "Mummy, Godmummy never put me to bed properly." Hmmp... I wonder how proper is proper. Hahaha!!!

This is my 2nd wedding this year. Both times, Pearly & I were involved in it. We took photos like we have never taken before! Then again, it's true that we hardly take photos last time. Hee... This best friend is definitely one of God's blessing for me. Her love for me really is one that never fails. Over the years, we have just grown to love each other a lot. Because I love her, I love everything of her!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE her sons!!!!!! We swung by to pick up her car after the tea ceremony and found this young little handsome chap!

My prayer partner & housemate, Chantel from Brisbane... Whenever I had wanted to cry, wanted a prayer, all I had to do was to knock on her door. Cedric my dear dear dear friend & a father of a beautiful daughter and husband to one wife. Remember once when I was heartbroken. I called him & asked if he could take leave. We both went to Chinatown Point bubble tea shop. Sat there, not a word said, silence throughout but I was totally comforted.

Hsia Ling from Brisbane too! Me and her ah... Say meet meet meet but hardly will be able to meet.

The Hope Brisbane group!!!

Dinner table & I realized that Tianxing left before the photo-taking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah Heng ah, I tell you, next time my turn, you BETTER not leave so early!!!!

This one leh.. No need to introduce liao... *smile*

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