Saturday, April 12, 2008

In the best interest of the child???

Watching this the 2nd time still does bring tears welling up my eyes.

As I searched the internet to find out more about this case, I was confused by the mountains of information presented. Some said it's the father who has a history of hitting his wife. Some said that the mother did not protect her own child. Some pointed fingers to the paternal grandmother. The final blow that caused the death of the child was by the step-father. I also started to read the visitation logs from the Social Service agency and the court documents. I truly wondered how did things go so wrong?

Coming back to where I am now, I do work quite closely with the Child Protection Officers. They seemed to stand from the "What-if" position which frustrates me at times.

Having looked at this clip & its readings & information, I do see why CPOs take on the "What-if" position cause if anything DOES go wrong in the process of having the child back to his family, whose head is on the guillotine? Yet at the same time, I do feel that as welfare officers for children, we have have have to spend a considerable amount of time with them to build relationship. One can't make any decision for the child unless they know the child well enough. Even if the child doesn't know how to speak, every action he does is able to tell you a lot. To put it simply, child abuse cases are a matter of life and death and it should be dealt with it gravely.

After all the readings & confusion, ultimately, I feel most for this child. She seemed to tangled in a family disputes. If she has a voice to speak, she'll probably tell all adults to shut up and listen to her - really listen.

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