Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My Unit went to Pulau Ubin yesterday. Unfortunately, not all joined in but I am very encouraged to have Leng & Qianfang joining us despite not being able to cycle. They chatted, drank & ate tidbits for 3 hours while the rest of the 8 of us cycled.

At Changi Village for lunch

Classic! Chinese opera on a hot day! I cannot imagine how heavy the costumes are & the amount of thick make up. It was a wonderful sight truly...


Photographer at work

Finally, at our resting area, we managed to "con" a little boy to sit with us. *chuckle*

Yesterday, at Ubin, was a sight I had never seen before. It was crowded. If I am not wrong, it's a deity's birthday & thus there was a celebration. The community culture in Ubin is really strong. Just an hour sitting there (at the resting area), I see how the people come together to help one another, chat, etc. It's like an open-concept kind of environment. Everyone knows everyone, there is a close bonding between one another. It's a scene that we who lives in a pigeon hole (HDB flat) would probably not enjoy that much.

Very nice indeed... :)

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