Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Teachable moments

"We adults tend to define success with kids as getting them to do what we think is 'right'." - The Resilience Revolution, Chapter Five.

How many times have I heard this statement "You run away from me, I call police ah!!!"? Initially, I will see the kiddo draw back in fear. Soon, I see the kiddo STILL irritating the parents/guardians, totally not afraid. When the word 'police' has been abused, parents/guardians turned to punishment, often not thinking of the consequences, nor putting themselves into the shoes of the child. Instead of restoring, they punish. So long as the child is doing what we deemed okay, right, they are all right.

A child is like a sponge, always ready to absorb. So, instilling values are BEST done when they are young. Teachable moments are often find NOT in official settings like school, CCAs, etc. It can be done through a casual chat session or even a trip to the clinic. Neither are teachable moments found through punishment as that will probably create the child to obey out of fear, not understanding.

It is despair, loneliness, and hopelessness. We need someone to talk to; we need to be taught how to talk. We need people who really care about us, support us.... Teach us to hope. Bring some kind of meaning and purpose to our lives. - High school student; Hanley 1989, 85

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