Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Loving Beyond Reason

"The test of love is that it gives even when there is no expectation of a return." - Love Beyond Reason, John Ortberg

There is this story in this book that touched me greatly:

It speaks of an 8-year old boy who had a younger sister dying of leukemia. He was told that without a blood transfusion, she will die. His parents asked if the doctors could test his blood to check for compatibility. He tested and it was positive. Moving forward, he was asked if he would give his sister a pint of his own blood as it could be her only chance of living. The brother replied that he would think about it overnight.

The next day, he told his parents that he was willing to donate his blood. They went to the hospital and both brother and sister were hooked up to the IVs. The boy lay silently as he watch the blood dripped from the IV. When the doctor came and asked the brother how he was doing, the brother asked "How soon until I start to die?"

I was very touched. It wasn't the first time I was reading this story. It was probably the 3rd or 4th time. Yet, it still touched me. I questioned myself if I could ever give my life to someone unfailingly. Would I really be able to give without expecting something in return? Would I? Would I be able to love unceasingly?

Jesus asked Peter after his resurrection if Peter loves Jesus. Peter answered "Yes", "Yes" & "Yes", 3 times. After the 3rd time, Jesus told Peter that if Peter really loves Jesus, Peter should feed His sheep.

As the author has put it nicely "Love me, love my ragged dolls." We are like a ragged doll, pained by the baggage of the past, burdened by current issues, hurt by loved ones, made one mistakes after another. I had been a ragged doll before. I still am a ragged doll. Been through struggles before. Still struggling now and then. As I look back at my journal today, reading through the struggles, reading through my sins, I am amazed what a HUGE heart God has.

A tough question I asked myself - Have I, at least tried, to be a good shepherd? Have I fed my sheep?

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