Sunday, December 14, 2008

The power of our thoughts

My colleague shared with me his frustration in one of his self-arranged concert. One singer went to him and assured him that she can really really sing. When my colleague asked her to sing, she kinda turned it down gently until she couldn't, just awhile before the concert. My colleague was appalled because she really cannot make it. In order to have a successful concert, he has to do what he has to do - Get her out.

After that episode, he learned that when one believes that he is right, no matter what happens, it will be right. Just like the singer, she truly believes that she can sing, so she really does believe that she can sing and she was rather hurt when told she can't. Perhaps she was counting for an opportunity.

Perhaps she simply believes she can sing. We do not know for sure. One thing though, I find that our mind, humanly speaking, is very fragile, yet very powerful. Our action is determined by what we think. So if we think wrongly, our next move would be gravely wrong.

I began to question myself - What is my thought life? How healthy is my thought life? Where is God in my thought life?

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