Friday, February 29, 2008

A FABULOUS 3-day experience!!!

The past three days of training were fantastic! It's rare, really, that I'll pay such high compliments to a course. Not one moment that I actually dozed off, other than perhaps during the viewing of Supreme Court's corporate video.

Other than a personal interest in the knowing the law, my attention was totally captured because of a few practical experiences:
  • I get to sit inside a court hearing
  • I get first-hand knowledge (on the different sections of the law), in layman's terms, straight from the DPPs (Deputy Public Prosecutors) & SC (State Counsels)
  • I get to network around with the CPOs (Child Protection Officers) from MCYS at a higher level
  • I get to know what are the different courts for, what is the types of cases are heard in each court
  • I get to see and feel the whole process IF an abuse happened to a child. The child might even have to stand trial. I remember I was grilling an Investigation Officer on the duration of the investigation & I was rather harsh. Through this course, I learn to appreciate the whole process. I learn to appreciate those involve in a child's life.
  • They had a moot court hearing arranged for us & several of us got to be witness. I came to realize one VERY important thing - How we write a Social Report is so so so very crucial. The contents that goes into it has to be clear & concise. At any one point of time, a case that we had dealt with might have a chance of being put up at court. If a report is not done clearly, it could easily be contested & a person's credibility could easily be shaken too. As the "case" went on, all my social reports flashed me by!
You know, it's one thing to watch movies & serials on how lawyers "fight" & how witnesses are grilled. Until I got to see it happen, I got to realize that what goes on in reel life IS happening in real life too. Even though it's moot court, everything was so real. Lawyers fighting, judge scolding.

I'm going to go back to office to share my experience. First time, I am doing such things so enthusiastically. Haa!!

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