Thursday, March 01, 2007


Was just giving thanks for the little hurdles that God has brought me through...

Remembering in December 2005, a good friend of mine knows that I will be resigning my full time job to be a full time intern. As he knows my commitment, he found for me a lobang (his own resources) for a bursery (from a clan). I did not know what I was into actually. In fact, I thought it's a loan!! When my friend told me, told me half a story only. So I asked "What is required for me to take a loan? Interest rates how?". He just told me "They want nothing in return la!". When I signed the application form, the ONLY requirement they want of me is "That you will sponsor at least one person's education once in your lifetime."

Being a full time intern not receiving any remuneration, I was REALLY very grateful for this lobang cause it has helped me save one semester's fees. God's blessings did not stop there. Immediately when my internship was over, I was already offered a full time job with a pay that was higher than expected.

Honestly, when I think about it, I really do have a lot of blessings from God in terms of providence. My shepherd could vouch for me. Each time I thought I am down, God will always be there to pull me through.

Why am I in such a reminiscing mood? I guess I was really thinking about the "contract" that I signed when I took on the bursery. Because I was helped in my education, my sponsor wanted me to help someone else in their education. Kinda remind me of keeping a thankful heart. Often times, it's easy to be helped and then forgot that you were ever helped. Kinda reminded me of the story in Genesis 40 about how Joseph has helped the cupbearer and baker yet after being helped, they forgot about him.

Today, I made a few home visits towards the end of my working day. I brought a cheque to my client's place and I was greeted by their son "Hi Aunty Sandra!". While he was doing his homework, I chatted with his parents. When his father thanked me for the CNY gift my org gave them, this little boy came up to me and started chatted with me. He thanked me for helping his family. Then he started sharing with me his cute and poor friends in school. When he saw how poor they are, he'd rather eat biscuits and sacrifice his school allowance. He told me that since we are helping him, isn't it better if he help others? Mind you, he's not more than 10 years old.

I left the house feeling very warmed. In fact, his heart of thankfulness puts me in shame. Sometimes, living in this secular world, it's easy to fall into the trap of complains and negativity. It's in times like these when we choose to give thanks that we are able to see things from another perspective. He reminded me to always learn how to give thanks on the spot.

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