Friday, June 23, 2006


As I am asking all the "Whys" in my life (I have never asked so many Whys before!), I chanced upon a piece of paper from my journal. And I am very comforted. It's a piece of paper where my prophesies were written on it last year.
1) The Lord is the perfector of your faith. He will finish what He wants to do for you.
2) The Lord will strengthen you and He will not be impatient with you but will always be with you.
3) You are a child of God and He has prepared an inheritance for you. You will receive the full rights of the son and no longer need to wonder or search for He has already given to you.
4) A vision of a rope. He will provide strength and support to help others to fulfill their purpose. A support role for the Kingdom of God. It was further illustrated with a swing.. The rope that was envisioned was that which is used by the swing. That without the rope, the swing is useless.
5) You are chosen by Him to be a royal priesthood. Even at times when you are wondering why accusations are against you, but live a good testimony. God will bring you through. Sharing the light to the people around you. Continue to be strengthened by the Lord to minister to your family.

After a whole day of happening events, coming home to my room, writing my journal, reading a book and spending time with God is quite a therepeutic way of winding down the day.

Romans 12:9
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."

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