Friday, September 04, 2009


I haven't been feeling at my top-est form these days. I shall not explain or describe too much about the frustration and anguish until I can put a finger to it.

Till then, I am just gonna hide God's word in my heart. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. - Hebrews 11:1"

From, the word Sure comes many other words like Free from doubt, Reliability, Confident, Worthy of confidence, Stable, Unfailing, Never disappointing, Unerring. From Certain comes Inevitable, Bound to come, Established as true, Fixed, Definite.

So come what may, storms, typhoons, I am seated firmly and definitely on the Rock, my God, stable & established. It will pass and hope is there waiting.

I have been listening to too many Cantonese songs, making me feel too Mel.. So I reverted back to some uplifting songs. Nothing like Amazing Grace to lift me up. I had blogged an entry on Kam Ning before and here's the version of the performance I watched on Channel 5, 5 April 2009. Am on repeat mode.

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