Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I did not realize that my last blog entry was 25 July, exactly a month ago. I would believe that this is probably the longest time I have been away from blogging.

Life has been pretty hectic. I have just taken on a new role at work that will take place officially only year end. Currently, I am preparing to take up the role year end (and I am already so so close to pulling my hair out). Personally, Geo & I have started preparing for our wedding next January.

I remember when I was young, my parents will often remind me "Fail to plan, plan to fail". If I fail to plan for the future (be it a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or even a 5-year plan), I am, in actual fact, digging my own grave.

In July, when our wedding date has been decided, I started to 'work' on the preparation work planning ahead with knowledge that my co-worker will be on leave in August, Geo is on course in August, I will be on attachment half of September, away from Singapore half of November, staff shortage whole of December. I am so thankful - really - that we started our preparation early because right now, wedding plans is right at the back of my mind.

Taking on the new role has been most reluctant for me. I am a runner when it comes to any leadership roles. I do believe that when the need arise, I am able to lead. However, I have lots of fear when it comes to leadership. I have been running from this for nearly a year already. I feel like I have been like Jonah, running here and there but only in circles. It may sound bad but yet, on the other hand, this one year has helped me in preparing my heart, observing what is needed to be done to fulfill this role.

Preparation is a huge word in my dictionary. Preparation involves planning. It involves the unseen - future. Preparation is tiring. Preparation is tedious. Preparation is absolutely needed. I recalled Jesus' life. When his earthly mother told him to perform his first miracle, Jesus asked why did she involved Him and that His time has not yet come. When Jesus came to earth, He already knew what was to come and his 33 years of ministry on earth was to prepare the way for us to heaven. So, preparation is a very biblical process!

So... yes, life has her challenges for me. However, I am very thankful that each day, I can breathe in the air God provided. He gives me no more and no less. He is my sufficiency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the preparation... =D