Saturday, July 25, 2009


Today is declared Dogs-grooming day! Each time I send my 2 dogs for grooming, along will come Abu..! Hee!
Today, Abu's owner was caught up with something so mummy and I went to pick 3 dogs up. It was havoc! It was messy (without Abu's owner)... Previously when Abu was at my place, it was him who bullies Sparkle, knowing that he has his backing of his owner. Today, Abu's all alone in a non-familiar environment and the only 靠山 (backing) is the famililar me. Sparkle, the smart one, seeing that Abu's all alone, bullied him. I believe there was a tinge of jealousy from Sparkle sharing me. Normally, only Sparkle would be sleeping on my bed. Today, I allowed Abu up my bed. Sparkle refused to let it go and made sure he come up as well. The thing about these two malteses is that when they sleep, they really sleep. HOWEVER, when disturbed, they get really alert and agitated with each other. So Abu was happily sleeping, Sparkle disturbed him and he woke up. I had to finally break the fight by putting them one on each side! Sparkle on left (and as I am writing this, he is at my foot) and Abu on my right, then, both slept till Abu's owner returned.
After the whole incident, I felt that ultimately, 一山不能藏二虎. There can't be two tigers living in a mountain. One of them, somehow, would have to reign over the other. Just like when Sparkle came in to my house, Spanner's position as the ONLY dog was taken away. Likewise, when Abu came today ownerless, it felt as if HIS position as the ONLY dog allowed in my room and on my bed is taken away.

The situation brought me to the song "Lord, I will bow to you". It's a very nice song. Lyrics are simple and truly, I cannot serve more than one master.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Once upon a time.....

..... at least about 6 years ago, I was traveling along Great Ocean Road in Melbourne and was in Kangaroo Island, Adelaide. I was especially mesmerized when I was at Kangaroo Island, the simplicity of life.

Then, I had a dream. I commented to my friend "If I have a farm, I want a pair of sheep, a pair of chickens, a pair of goats, a pair of ducks, a pair of lambs, a pair of whatever. Then I will plant some crops. So each time I eat something, all I have to do is to go to my farm and see what I have..."

It's a dream very far far far away. Heehee.. Buying the land alone is already a cost I wonder where to pluck money from. Where to have that farm is also the next interesting question.

Well, thanks to Facebook, at least I get to own a 'farm'. Hahaha!!!! Yes, I have been farming and totally enjoying it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

No.. It's a grapefruit! No la, it's an orange! No no no...

After dinner, mummy excitedly went to grab an orange, choosing 1 out of the 3 which she bought. She commented that it's Sunkist orange (so must be very sweet). Yet, she said that she ain't sure why it smells like grapefruit. Nonetheless, she brought it to where I was (washing the dishes) and started peeling.

As she peeled, it started to look like a grapefruit to me. The flesh was red and it does smell like a grapefruit. Mummy, however, insisted that the signboard says that it's orange and it's Sunkist brand, how can it be grapefruit.

We shared the grapefruit, each half. It was sour! By the time I reached the last 2 pieces, I had to pour some sugar over it. Refusing to believe that we got "cheated", I went to the other 2 so-called oranges to check. They were stamped with Sunkist logo and it smelled like grapefruit.

After that episode, I thought to myself. Life is as such. I was really expecting a sweet and juicy orange (craving) but I was thrown with the truth of a sour grapefruit. Often times, we get little surprises like these in life. Things may not go our way. Our lives could either be placed on a hold because of a sour grapefruit or it could move on with a dash of sugar!

Sunday, July 05, 2009


Quick post just so that when I look back, I can smile when I read this post.

Today was Streetwise Run Day! Today was a rainy day! Today, I bathed under the sky and it was such a wonderful feeling.. (although the aftermath of it was a very very cold journey back to the Home). Nonetheless, I had to blog this happy day!

1. Beyond Social Services being so big, me being 'trapped' in an ulu place in Singapore, far away from my other colleagues, I always enjoy organization-wide events like this. I caught up with my ex-office colleagues. It was nice just laughing and jesting around. Some who are already mothers brought their children and it was such a ball!

2. While waiting for our bus to arrive, I walked over to speak to my colleague and this fat & cute 7 year old boy (who doesn't know me) saw me walking over, stretched out his hand for mine. He took my left hand, intertwined his fingers with mine, brought it to his lips and he gave it a little kiss! Then he looked at me eyes opened wide and everyone went "Wah..... the other hand leh!" Then he got all shy and walked away. What caused him to do that, I do not know. Maybe I look too pathetic in all-wet clothings!

3. Thank God for Deborah who came, ran, got wet and lent me her slippers cause I was more than drenched.

4. Have I ever shared that the first time I cleaned shit and backside was at my Home? I thank a little girl who gave me this opportunity and somehow, the toileting, the teaching of ABCs, the fetching to & fro has cause me to love this girl deeply. Thank God for a better home environment, she returned to her parents last year. She is always in my thoughts, often in my prayers. Sometimes, I will wonder 'Does she remember me? Is she living a better life?". Today, I met her again! When she saw me, she walked straight up to me, took my hand, pulled me down to her level and gave me a tight hug. I love this girl. Indeed.

5. After the event, I reached Tampines just in time to meet Mummy and Carol. They had a wonderful dinner and was waiting for me to choose my gift. Thank God for family!

6. Speaking of family, last night, I had a wonderful time with my extended family. It was my little nephew's birthday, my cousin's son.


Honestly, it was something I really miss over the years. Remembering when I was very young, 5 or 6 years old maybe, my mum and her sisters will organize stayovers at company bungalows. Carol and I will really look forward to those times cause it means the beach, sand and fun! It means meeting cousins again! As we grow older, such get-together times grew lesser.

Technology have really progressed. Before, we compete whose sandcastle is higher. Now, my little nephews compete who can complete which level for PSP. I feel that gone are those days where we laugh through physical play. We wrestle, we feel the sand.

Nonetheless, I thank God for my cousin Michelle who arranged for this family gathering.

A bungalow party in 1984. We were standing in front of daddy's car.
Celebrating my gong gong's birthday at my 6th aunt house. Other than weddings, birthdays are quite the best time for gathering.

My cousin Audrey's daughter! Such lovely unique look. I enjoy seeing her play bubbles.

Cousin Audrey and Cousin Ee Cheng. Can spot them from the above 1984 photo?

Ah yes, I 'stole' Carol's crocs slipper! Not mine. :P

Cousin Ee San. She's really the best! She links us all up all the time.

YEAH! Birthday boy!

Generation 1

Generation 2 and 3
I do have quite a huge family - a social capital I never thought I had and now, I thank God for them!