Thursday, February 18, 2010


Oh man.. I didn't realized that I have been away from the blogging world for so long. I have to admit that since the last post, I had many draft posts. However, my mind had too much random and all-over-the-place thoughts and the posts remained as drafts. Last year was a pretty uptight and stressful year for me - both personal and work.

After much decision, the Residential Home I worked at closed end December. I took that as a closed door for me finally. I have wanted to resign about a year or two back. The desire to leave got stronger Sept last year but I never got down to doing it for the lack of peace when I prayed. I believe part of me was also the responsibility that I was holding on to. In a very small way, I played a part in piloting this Home project. At the same time, I know the implications of a worker leaving a case. The new worker will have to start all over again - knowing the kid, knowing the family. With the Home closing, I felt more at ease leaving and so... I left.

Amazingly, after resignation, I felt my appetite returned. I knew I was stressed up but I didn't know I was really that stressed up. Recalling last year, I really thank God for His strength and faithfulness in my life. Amidst my dad's passing and grief, there were work issues & politics to manage and wedding to plan. I truly thank God for his presence in my life. I had family who were very supportive. Geo withstood all my mood swings and often was at the brunt of my anger. Thank God for buddies who hear me out whenever I need to. CG who prayed for me.

With my wedding at the beginning of the year is good. I see it as a brand new start to a new phase in life TOGETHER with a new job. I just returned from my honeymoon feeling refreshed inwardly. During the honeymoon trip, I also visited 2 small churches. The size and simplicity of the church was refreshing. The sermon was the back-to-basics type, God's love, God's faithfulness, relying on His Holy Spirit. It brings me back to the basics of God's love.

To say that I am not fearful of what the new job will bring is rubbish.. However, I bask in my new refreshed spirit and want to learn how to rely on God more this year. Resolution of the year is that I will be a good steward of my time. In that, I really mean to say to manage my time well to have sufficient time spent with God too.

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