Sunday, May 14, 2006

Fables of yesteryear

Today, I came home early from church and watched a new DVD that I bought from Carrefour - Hans Christian Anderson (More info can be found from here) If you surf around the first link, there are actually kiddy games that you can play. (Kiddy but I enjoyed it very much.. Haha!!) Actually, it's quite amazing that there is so much info on this writer and as I read through the Chronological List of fables that he came up with reminded me so much of my childhood days. I enjoyed reading when I was young. I would be totally in love with anybody who will bring me to a bookstore and yes.. I LOVE Times the Bookstore. My uncle will usually bring me there during Christmas and I will be running straight to the Children's section to search for my books. The headache in those times is how to stretch that $50 worth of books.

Coming back to the show, I enjoyed it lots as it is a musical. It's quite amazing how songs about The Ugly Duckling, Emperor's New Clothes, Thumbelina, etc brings the story alive. While watching it, I really don't know what I was thinking but I just felt there was this very warm feeling of hope and simplicity through the storyline. It's about Hans who loves to tell stories to little children. And in this movie, he relates to them through songs. Despite being disliked by the town, he still felt that the children deserves a time of relaxation through stories and songs. He looked at life (so it portrayed) optimistically. Life was simple. He was a shoemaker/cobbler but to him, earnings are not all that important.

Somehow, I just felt that the show is so timely. I was feeling a little heat yesterday due to some financial commitments. But God reminded me that He is in control!! Don't fret, don't haste. Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has its troubles. Well, it's simply God asking me "Do you Trust in me?". I said yes and I went to bed satisfied. You know, sometimes I feel, that in such a busy and hectic world, it's just so hard to be simple. Somehow, through a very child-like show that portrays simplicity, it reminded me once again, to keep that child-likeness towards God. Life is complicated enough. Let's not complicate things further.. Heehee..

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