These days, I have been thinking about Jesus' charge to us - All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age.
These words are spoken by Jesus to his 11 disciples and from there, we are where we are now - people who know God, people who loves God, people who bask in God's love, people who knows what forgiveness is, people who experience compassion. I was just thinking, if not for the 11 disciples, where would I be now? If they had not taken the charge of Jesus seriously, would I have known Christ?
Back to where I am now, I am in a X-road where I am seeking for direction, simply if I should call it quits in my job or to continue. For the past 3.5 years in this organization, this thought visits me once in a while. It comes and go. Each time it comes, I seem to pray more (Haa!). Nothing wrong with where I am now really. Just that each time I feel stretched, I feel inadequate. Then I'd pray. Pray I did, peace I didn't feel and so, I often took on the challenges and stayed and the cycle continues.
The process might not be an easy one (cause it is indeed easier to just throw in the resignation letter). However, I did learn a thing or two.
- Growth is never easy. I was the only child for 2 years then on my 3rd year, I learned what is sharing my daddy and mummy with this other person called my Sister. Then, I remember when I hit puberty, I had to go through the pains of ugly breakouts and I wished there never ever was this thing called Puberty! And when I hit an older age of adolescence, I go through the pains of getting into a relationship and having my heart broken and I wondered why people ever loved. When I had my first job, the pains of giving the fruits of my labour to my parents and again, I wondered, why people ever marry. Then there are the thousand and one decisions in our daily lives we have to make. Yet thinking back, these somewhat painful yet lovely experience has nurtured me. In every job, there is also a growth chart. We will start out like a baby, then youth, adolescent and then adulthood. I could call it quits but when I go to another organization, it's just the same process I have to go through again.
- I learned that I have not sought God enough. I admit it - I am so human that I want to escape. I don't want leadership. I just want to be a normal person receiving 'orders', do my work and that's it. I don't want to fret about staff matters. I don't want to fret about management issues. As I started my wailing, I began questioning what is my purpose in life, God's purpose for me. I can't say that there is a sudden exclamation of 'Eureka!' in my life BUT I am slowing down my pace, taking a step back, having a breather and pray. During CG yesterday, SF said this so true "We are not natural leaders so all the more we have to seek God." Words rang and ringing now!
- I've learned that There IS a God. A God who cares for every part of my life. For the past week, my iPod is on the repeat mode for the above song. It has been ministering. Lyrics below, translated to the best that I can.
有一位神 (There is a God)
讚美之泉 Live 實況錄音 – 香港伊利沙伯體育館 Live Worship
有一位神 有权能创造宇宙万物
There is a God, He has created the everything in the universe
Yet, He is has a pair of gentle hands to comfort and sooth our pain
有一位神 有权柄审判一切罪恶
There is a God, He has every authority to judge every sin (scary)
Yet, He is compassionate, caring and understands our every weaknesses
有一位神 我们的神
There is a God, He is our God
唯一的神 名叫耶和华
There is only one God, His name is Jehovah
有权威荣光 有恩典慈爱
He is mighty and He is the light. He is kind and compassionate.
He is the past, He is our present and He is forever our God.
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