Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today my big boss asked me "So Sandra, HOW? Can the team take this uphill task? Can this team come together? Are you excited to manage this team?"

Last week, we had another core team meeting and my big boss asked 3 of us "Can or not? Can stir up some excitement in the team? The team can't work if there is no excitement. Need to motivate! You know ah... This job really needs us to be beyond self and excitement is needed! Else, the work is just work."

Last year, I was moaning over one of the many reports that I had to do. Then in the midst of the moaning session, my immediate supervisor smiled and asked "Do you like doing such reports? Are you excited about it?"
Profile reports are just simply something that I really dread doing. I do not detest it. In fact, I do like doing such reports. Just that it's tedious that it takes my time off the actual work that I could be doing with the kids.

There was emphasis on the word excitement. Life is a journey. A journey to be enjoyed. A process to be delighted in. A journey to be excited about. So often, we we go through the daily routine of life that soon, it becomes mundane. A job becomes a job. Life loses its meaning. Excitement & child-likeness is gone.

Yesterday, a resident asked me about Jesus. Then he shared that he cried over the movie, Passion of Christ. And today, over dinner with the same resident, he shared with me that he has recently accepted Christ and he exclaimed "Sandra, don't worry! I am not worried about this Friday's court session because Jesus will help me."

I am absolutely refreshed by the simple faith. When I see this excitement and child-like faith, I just know that this child's journey is certain and has a great plan.

Am I excited about life?

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