Sunday, June 24, 2007


My previous leader once said "It takes 6 weeks to form and form a habit."

That is so so true.

My dad returned home on 4th May and kinda caused an upheaval to our sleeping time. Not sleeping at night, calling us on our mobile at 3/4am, etc. Then, he got angry easily too. And me, being a BAD social worker, instead of empathizing enough, I got angry too. Often times, I find that I need to just stay in my bed to cool down. My mum got the worst hit being in the same bedroom as dad cause she can't sleep at night too.

I would say that my mum's efforts and perseverance paid off. After much hoo-ha at the therapy centre, we decided to spend more money and get an in-house therapist. Bingo! That worked! I guess, being a man, face is an issue at the centre thus a one-to-one session worked.

Today, I saw with my own eyes my dad walking from the living room to his bedroom with the aid of a walker. These days, I also sense a happier mum & a mum who is less tired. Found out also that the night rendezvous has stopped and often, dad will sleep throughout.

As for me, I have learned how to handle situations around me slightly better. Initially, changing my priorities was not all that easy but now, I do not see how otherwise it could be. Another habit that I have picked up is bible reading. Not that I don't read the bible last time but it's usually a "by-the-way" thing. These few weeks, there is a "I-want-to-read" kind of feeling within me. And when I read, I felt that I could visualize the on-goings within the bible. It's like I have put on a crystal ball lens and see the whole scenario played up. This new perspective wow-ed me lots!

*sigh*... Seriously, what would I be without God in my life?

1 comment:

Z@nny said...

hi san..praise God that ur dad's is on road to recovery & keep pressing on to see more of God's faithfulness and deliverance in your life!would plan to visit ur dad soon!take care of ur health too!
