Monday, July 31, 2006

Something to rejoice about..!

Yay!!! Just received an increment in pay today.. =) Praise God for His providence!! Shan't blog too much today..

Ps 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Secret Love

Woah!!! Can't help but blog 2nd time today. Arts Central showed an old classical movie today! Calamity Jane.. And for the true life story, it's here.

Not that I have any secret love whatsoever but I love this song "Secret Love".

Next week's another old classic - Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Think I will be home on Sunday nights quite often.

Secret Love

Once I had a secret love
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impaitient to be free

So I told a friendly star
the way that dreamers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why im so in love with you

Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my hearts an open door
And my secret loves no secret anymore

Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my hearts an open door
And my secret loves no secret anymore

Blogging VS Face to Face

Yes I am SHY!

Hmm.. that doesn't sound too much like a statement a shy person will make.

Today while walking into the 2nd service in my church, a friend whom I got to know from blogging too much asked if I am really shy. Why do I have so much to "talk" in my blog but when come face to face, almost like nothing to say. In fact, just smile. *grimace* I'm sorry mate.. No answer other than - I am really shy (or maybe cool). BUT, I will try to speak more than just smile.

Anyway, today, I was introduced to this very beautiful verse.

Hebrews 4:7 "Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.""

In my mind, I started to sing John Denver's song entitled "Today". I was also reminding myself that everyday, when I hear His voice, I want to keep my heart soft. Coincidentally, as I was singing the song - Lord I offer my life to you - in HopeKids, I can't help but drop a few tears. Offering our entire life to God is often something more than easy. There will be some things/habits which may need us to give up or let go. There will be some decisions that has to be made. Can't help but thought, how mighty is my God that He is able to carry me through all circumstances.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I praise God because...

... He is my healer.. I praise God because God is a faithful God thus He gives me faith to trust..

I can't get out of bed the whole of this afternoon. I was giddy and each time I stood up, I thought I am going to faint. Was in some kind of a pain. I prayed and prayed cause I need to be at my PC! Got some datelines to meet and am hoping that I can use today to "settle" these..

Without fail, God answers prayers!

This is what I managed to accomplish today..

Friday, July 28, 2006

Weekend is here!!!

I had a stretching good time of a Friday today. I started my day with CE at St Pats. Just my 2nd week and it's the last session already. **sad** But hmm.. ironically speaking, though it's only the 2nd week, today when I stepped into the school, I feel this slight tinge of 不舍得. I wished I had joined St Pats right from the beginning! Then I can really see the difference the games has made to the boys! But well, I will have more opportunities!

And to end the day, my org had the opportunity of having someone from Cirque du Monde to do some CE training for us. We started with some games and ended with some circus acrobatic stunts. *grimace* I thought I heard my bone "cracked" but hey.. what fun I had! I was the lightest thus in the human pyramid, I was right at the top. Talk about perseverance, trust, teamwork, cooperation, communication, etc. I think in games such as these, it requires EVERYTHING.

Today, in the midst of the running about, instead of stopping to smell the flowers, I took aside a little time to go and smell my godsons... [Unfortunately, I didn't stay long cause had another appointment with a friend.]

When I peeped into my friend's room, Matt jumped up and shouted "Godmummy!"..! What a great end to my tiring week and day! Again, after I look at my baby godsonny - John, Matt seemed so much older and mature. I love him lots.. I went also to "collect" my birthday gift. So I asked Matt pointing to my gift - "Godsonny, what is this?", his reply is "Happy birthday!". I asked him again and the reply is still "Happy Birthday!". Ask him "Who am I?" and there is a rattle of "Godmummy, godmummy godmummy!"... And oh.. I pretended to cry and he went "Don't cry, don't cry.."..

SIGH.. The SADDEST thing is that he only recognizes me in his own house. But in public, he forgot who I am.. Sigh.. Everytime this happen, I will tell myself to spend more time with him.

Well, amazingly, he is able to tell me that I cannot carry him because he wants to watch TV. But ANYHOW, I made sure I distracted him, take his pacifier out and give me ALL the kisses and hugs to make my day more beautiful!

Ok.. A glimpse into my first birthday gift of year 2006! I love the silver. Always wondered how I look with a silver sandal but never daring to try. Now, I don't have to try. I have it. Thanks my dear.. Really love it!

Yesterday, I had some good news with regards to a client of mine. When I went home last night, I was filled with thanksgiving. I thank God really. It's hard to describe that feeling but it's the "Phew!" feeling. Coincidentally, saw a "cluster" of clouds that look really beautiful.. Reminded me of the phrase "Every Cloud has a Silver Lining"..

Also, I REALLY want to blog this! After 8 years, I finally stepped into a Karaoke in Singapore! Man.. How times have changed.. How technology have advanced!! *sigh*.. Talk about being sua-ku. Firstly, I do not know how to use the remote control. Secondly, I do not know any songs! I only know songs that I sung 8 years ago. Hmmm.. *GRIMACE* That was REAL sad man.. Cause ah.. ask me "You know this song?" - "Dunno" is often the answer! Anyway, I enjoyed watching and hearing them sing! Unfortunately, at the position that I was sitting, I could only take the photos of the brothers. (Beng look real expressive!)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Psalm 13 (How Long O Lord)

Before you get it wrong, I am not getting over-melocholic here.
When I initially heard this song, I was thinking - Hmm.. this song does sound a little sad with the type of melocholic music and lyrics.. But why am I so drawn to it?
Call me slow.. But AFTER only 2 weeks, I realized that the essence of this song is not just asking God "God, where are you?" or "God, are you here with me?".
Rather, it's a psalm of David in his distress crying out to God. After his cries, he decided that the best way to the problem is to trust in the Lord, to trust in His unfailing love, to rejoice!

Yes.. After 2 weeks, I am still drawn to this song. Hee...

(Anja Lehmann:)
How long, o Lord, will You forget me
How long, o Lord, will You look the other way?
How long, o Lord?

(Brian Doerksen:)
How long, o Lord, will You forget me
How long, o Lord, will You look the other way?
How long, o Lord, must I wrestle with my thoughts
And everyday have such sorrow in my heart?

Look on me and answer,
o God my Father.
Bring light to my darkness
before they see me fall
(O Lord)

(Anja Lehmann:)
How long, o Lord, will You forget me
How long, o Lord, will You look the other way?
How long, o Lord, must I wrestle with my thoughts
And everyday have such sorrow in my heart?

Look on me and answer,
o God my Father.
Bring light to my darkness
before they see me fall

But I trust in Your unfailing love.
Yes, my heart will rejoice.
Still I sing of Your unfailing love.
You have been good,
and You will be good to me


Look on me and answer,
o God my Father.
Bring light in my darkness
before they see me fall
Look on me and answer,
o God my Father.
Bring light in my darkness
before they see me fall

But I trust in Your unfailing love.
Yes, my heart will rejoice.
Still I sing of Your unfailing love.
You have been good.
But I trust in Your unfailing love.
Yes, my heart will rejoice.
Still I sing of Your unfailing love.
You have been good.
You will be good to me

Text & Music: Brian Doerksen, Steve Mitchinson, Karen Mitchinson, Daphne Rademaker© 2002 Integrity's Hosanna! Music / ASCAP

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fear of the Lord

I was reading this book by John Bevere - The Fear of the Lord and this is the challenge that has me struck for 2 weeks.

Challenge: "Do you think the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is going to come into a place where He is not given due honor and reverance?"

By those who come near me I must be regarded as holy; and before all the people I must be glorified. - Leviticus 10:3

Question: "Do I have this fear for the Lord? Is my temple ready for Him to reside in?"

Monday, July 24, 2006

My godsons

My lovely godsons.. Matt being older and John being younger. After looking and carrying John, Matt suddenly looked like a BIG boy to me. How time flies.

Looking at my best friend, it made me ponder about this thing called Birth Pains. Man.. I grimace at the pains that all mothers have to go through to deliver a baby out YET, I see that joy and light in their eyes when they see their precious one. Is this how God sees me? Precious and Gem-like? Must be!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Shepherd of my soul

Today, the Lord reminded me in 1 Samuel 13:20-21 that "May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Crist, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Lately, I have been pondering and asking God - "If I have done my best and something still went wrong, what went wrong?" No doubt, I started to not only doubt myself, I also started to wonder about my faith in God. It one thing to say "Have faith Sandra!", it's another to put it into action.

He comforted me gently with that above verse "San, I am your chief shepherd. You are responsible for your own r/s with me.. it's not a circumstanced r/s with Me. It's not with a good workplace nor a good CG nor a good shep.. It's your faith in me. Your r/s with me." All right.. Talk about God speaking.

Very refreshed.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Fragility of Life

Yesterday I cried over a loss of life. Today, I cried and celebrated over a birth of a new life. Today, I give thanks to the Lord that I can breathe and I have a purpose. That with every breath of my life, I want to give Him thanks. That with every breath of my life, I want to live for Him.

I have been in a daze lately. Yesterday, I walked out of my home without my wallet only to realize it when I need my Ezlink card. Today, I took the train towards the wrong direction. I didn't realise it till 5 stations later! Then today, I closed my windows and doors and I forgot to switch on my aircon. *grimace* May tomorrow be a better day!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A teleconversation, A MSN conversation & my 1st birthday gift

On Sunday night, I received a call from my best friend while I was walking home. For a moment, I thought my 2nd Godson has been delivered. No.. It was a call to check out my shoe size for a certain brand of footware. Then my best friend says that she wants to buy a pair of shoe for me. Well, of course, I rejected it. So, we sort of left it there as I reached home.

Then yesternight, she caught me on MSN and told me that she really wants to buy me a gift. So being me, I tried to compromise for something cheaper and something that I need rather than want. Then she said something that touched the core of my heart - I don't want to buy you something that you need. I want to buy you something that you want. So there.. caught my heart and I said okJoyfully I gave her my shoe size.

That was yesterday. Today, she bought it. Talk about living in the fast lane.. =) There.. it's very very very early but that's my first birthday gift. Thanks my love..!

In His Time

Can't help but blog this...

Affection must not smother honesty, courage must not elbow weakness out of the field, modesty must not jostle energy, and patience must not slaughter resolution.
So also with our duties, one must not interfere with another; public usefulness must not injure private piety; church work must not push family worship into a corner.
It is ill to offer God one duty stained with the blood of another.
Each thing is beautiful in its season, but not otherwise.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

If VS When

I attended a Gambling Addictions: Assessment, Brief Interventions & Community Referrals (GA-ABC in short) today at SSTI (Social Service Training Institute). It's a 2-day course so today and tomorrow.

It was taught by a counselor working at CAMP (Community Addiction Management Programme). He started by saying that there is this part of our brain that's called "Reward" and what it does is that Reward will cause the person to remember the adrenalin rush, excitment & thrill of the thing they will soon be addicted to.

It was a fun and interactive lesson. Interactive mainly cause my brains were actively thinking of how I can apply what I learn to my clients. At the same time, I was thinking "Hmmm.. IS there ANYTHING that I am, personally, addicted to?"

When, we came to this portion where the counselor says "We have to recognise our clients' belief system. There is a difference when one says 'If I win, I will xxx' vs 'When I win, I will xxx". He went on to explain that the difference is that "When" gives more hope to the fantasies of the addictor. Funny how a word change the notion of the statement. At that moment, I can't help but think how think "IF they know God, they will xxx" vs "When they know God, they will xxx". Actually as I dwell more on the statement, I felt that the latter brings more HOPE! *shrug* Not sure if you guys understand what I am talking about... Heehee...

Lecturer also touched on the part where Addiction is a Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance. Because it is a habit, there is a conscious effort from the addictor to put a stop to the habit.

That was when I recalled my conversation with my friend. Not too long ago, I gave a bible verse which spoke into my friend's life. It was also confirmed with me that that's what God has been speaking to my friend in that area. Then my friend asked (paraphrased) "Have you have experienced God speaking to you everyday confirming things with you everyday?" I went "Uh...I had.. But I hadn't had for a long time. We have to be soft for the Lord to work in us." Then to myself, I thought.. "Is it cause I haven't been praying for something specific?" or "Is it cause I am way too caught up with life's busy-ness?" or "I am not soft enough?" Then my friend went on to say "You can experience what I am experiencing too! God is real to me and to you! You not only need to be soft for God to work but you NEED to hunger for Him, you need to reach out for Him." Now, that was when I know who I HAVE to be addicted to. I have to be addicted to God!

Wah seh!! I tell you, that woke me up.. Suddenly, I felt that water was splashed (in a good way) on my head. That brought me to start planning my bible reading and consistent QT.

Anyway, just a few pictures of my weekend..

Elias Park on Sat. I nearly "died" cause I decided to save $3.00 on transportation and cycled there. Weather was first HOT.. Then 5 mins before I reached, it rained. Well, cycling home was scarier BUT easier cause I chose a different route. Scarier cause I forgot I do not have blinking light! Can't cycle on road!!!

On Sunday, I was privileged to be part of Noel's & Michelle's baptism! Why is it a privilege? Simply because a baptism is about the renewal of life. Ain't it a privilege? More so than ever, personally, it encouraged me alot. Been quite some time that I see someone crossing the line of faith.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

This week..

Today is Friday! Tomorrow is Saturday! Tomorrow I do not have to work!! I am real glad for the break from work this weekend. Looking back, I felt very unaccomplished.

Wednesday, I was on annual/advanced leave together with my 2 other colleagues and we went to the Royal Copenhagen Tea Lounge. I love the dining-ware though I do not enjoy fine dining. It was exquisite.. At least, I love the pictures on it.. There were little boys/girls painted on it and on one cup, there was this sleigh too... It gave me a very Christmas feeling. Kind of reminded me of my childhood stories of the Snow Queen.. Reminded me of the many books that I used to read when I was young. Well, I was seated beside a HUGE glass that overlooked Orchard Road but that just doesn't appeal me as much as the exquisite porcelain. As I eat my scones & drank earl grey, I was totally absorbed in my memory of the scones I had at Dandelon (forgot how to spell) Forest at Melbourne.

Then after tea, we walked to The Cathay to purchase our movie tickets. Well, on Monday when we were discussing what movie to watch, we decided on Life is to Whistle. The part about having a Social Worker in the show sort of appealed to us. It was a Cuban film with Spanish language. Please trust me now.. DO NOT WATCH IT!!! And we were fooled into believing that it was about a Social Worker! We felt really cheated.. However, after the show, we went to Short Rd for a bowl of "Rochor Beancurd (dao huay)". That made my whole day much better.

That was my Wednesday. Thursday (yesterday) came and early in the morning, my manager told me that she and director wanted to meet me at 3pm. Sensing that something was not right (sensed manager giving me the cold shoulder lately), I was totally NOT anticipating for 3pm to come. Well, indeed, it was a time that I really dread. Things said in the meeting was (hmm...) really not nice. I do not wish to share too much over here but in short I felt accused & unheard. There were lots to speak up but I decided to keep my mouth shut knowing that anything said in anger will NEVER sound good. So Self Control! After the meeting, I didn't know what to do. I had so much to ventilate so I went out for a walk armed with my bible & my mobile. Ventilated it out to God and then ventilate to my friend.

That was only 4pm. From 4pm to my knock off time was literally painful. I was looking forward to Missions Prayer night. That was indeed the highlight of the day. When I stepped into Nexus Auditorium and when we started singing, I prayed for myself. I knew that my heart wasn't feeling good and I prayed that God will come and comfort me. I was VERY comforted when God prompted me to Zech 4:6 where is says that not by might, nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord Almighty! So, honestly, although there were still lots of ambiguities, lots of questions unanswered, I have also chosen to do my best at work and have faith.

During the prayer meet for the South America teams (Brazil, Chile, Peru and Equador), I felt this sense of passion rising up. 2 years back when I was working on the Missions video clip, I was totally encouraged by the missionaries lives. And I was gently reminded that before I can go out to the field in other countries, I must start locally. To love the people around me. To love the people I am reaching out to in my workplace. To love the clients whom I am servicing.

After that prayer for myself, I felt very refreshed! The prayer meeting came and it went and this morning when I woke up this morning, I recited that verse again to start my day. Today, I started my day at St Patricks!

Today, was my FIRST day as a Ranger at St Patricks. That's my first time stepping into an all boys school and controlling them was tough. Being NOT loudspoken and being NOT garang enough, it was really hard being a ranger. Thankfully, the fact that I am coming from my organization makes things easier. And I am known as Teacher or "Cher".. Basically, what we do is OUTREACH. Outreach through games. Character building games, teamwork games, etc. It's fun.

My evening ended at Hog's Breath! It was really last minute. I hooked up with my friend after work and we decided to go there. It was GOOD.. haha..! Upon its opening, I have already been there 3 times! My friend, being funny, tried to "BBQ" the fats over the candle. Haa.. It was nice to hear the crackling sound it gives out though.. (Photos not clear as it was from my mobile)

Yup.. That's my 3 days in a nutshell.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Love Language Revisited

I revisited my love language. I did it last year in August but I wasn't quite satisfied with it after doing it. The result last year was Acts of Service and Gifts. But when I think deep into it, I felt that was my way of loving someone. I will do things for them, I will serve them, I will buy gifts, I will spend time to do a gift, I will make a card, I will do things. But I have come to rediscover myself that the way I feel loved is not when someone do things for me (yes.. I WILL be touched) nor when someone take time to get me a gift (yes.. I WILL love anything any of my friends give me)...

More so, I found that I totally enjoy spending time with friends, talking, doing lives, sharing. Amongst my shepherding session, the most fulfilling ones were when we had the quality time to sit down and share. At the end of the session, I felt shepherded & towards my sheep, I felt I had shepherded. Haa.. Of course, I am not always the one talking. When a friend ask what gift do I want, I will usually reply "Save the money, let's go for a meal". But hee.. My choice of meal may not be all that cheap also la!

Yeah.. In my quest to rediscover myself, I found that my primary love language is Quality Time. When the answer seeped into my head, it was like "NO WONDER I felt so upset whenever my friend start having her/his own life.. NO WONDER I felt upset when I am not heard. NO WONDER no wonder No Wonder..."

I really love discovering myself. Each time I found something, it'll bring a smile to my face. And that smile can stay on the whole day or even days.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Alcohol & Women

When I woke up this morning, I switched on my little black box and saw that Oprah Winfrey was on. I wanted to switch it off because I thought it's yet another talkshow on TV artistes. But I got stuck to it. It was an interview with this mother who drank too much.

Her testimony as follows:

She grew up in a loving home, was a star tennis player and homecoming queen in high school. But now, her life is nothing like the bright future she had once dreamed for herself.

Sarah, who says she drinks alcohol every day to calm her nerves and to ease daily stress, is one of an estimated five million mothers in the country struggling with alcohol problems. She often drinks when she takes her kids to the park, and sneaks sips of beer in her bedroom at home, hiding the empty bottles under her bed.

"I get to the point where I can feel that I'm so uncomfortable with the stress, frustration, exhaustion—what I really want to calm it quickly is the alcohol," explains Sarah. " And I can literally feel going from the skin crawling to just this warm tingle come through me."

Addiction specialist Debra Jay says Sarah's problem is much bigger than she realizes.

"The truth is, you are an alcoholic—there is no doubt about it," Debra says. "To have a problem at 30 [years old], you need to do something, because you are going to be dead by 40. This is a serious problem. It's not about wanting to get help, it's just about doing it."

Sarah is setting up her children for a lifetime of confusion and failure, Debra says. "Your alcoholism is changing who they are," she tells Sarah. "Your little boy—he's having to grow up and not even have a childhood, because he has to be your parent…He'll never let people close to him."

Sarah used to look at alcoholic mothers and wonder why they couldn't quit for their children's sake. "I swore I'd never, ever, be a mom who drank.…[but now,] I would say in the last year I've gotten to the place where I'm drinking alone, and drinking at home...a lot."

"I want to be able to take my kids to the park…to take my kids swimming and not feel like I need to be buzzed to do it," Sarah sobs. "I've tried and I'll keep trying. I don't want to be a mom who drinks…I want a new chapter in my life."


As she teared in the show, I found myself tearing too. I salute her effort for when she recognized it, she got herself to an institution which helped her curb her addiction. I salute her love for children cause mothers are so sacrificing. She drank so that she can be less stress when she's with her kids. But she curb so that she can be a better mother for the kids. I am not saying that I agree with drinking to relief stress (Personally I don't) but I am saying that in almost every decision that she makes, it's for the children - whether it's a right or wrong decision, it's not for me to judge. I salute her openness to share. Opening up has placed her in a vulnerable position yet she took it up.

There are many social issues around. Yesterday during the Team Rally at church, I was passing this statement, yet again, "IF ONLY, so & so can come to know this God who can love unconditionally! Wouldn't it be fantastic?"


I was caught by a sneezing spell yesternight!! Man! It was so bad that I thought my eyes were popping out and my nose were dropping. I went to my friend's house and on my way in the cab, the sneezing got so bad that Mr. Cab Driver has to give me a Vicks sweet. That helped a great deal!

By the time I got home, I was longing for a hot hot bath only to know that my heater hasn't been heated up. :( Unfortunately, I gotta switch on my aircon these days as I wanna my windows closed coz there's loud chanting downstairs my void deck due to a wake. Got myself a glass of hot water and I stayed under my comforter armed with a huge box of Kleenex and a dustbin.

I was really quite afraid that I will fall sick. I do not wish to call in sick at work as I can't change my appointments for the night home visits! Thus before I slept, I pray and ask God for recovery.

Here I am with a recovered nose typing this blog getting ready for work. =)

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Before I carry on with my blog, I must first make a disclaimer that I am not putting anyone down.. :) This blog is based TOTALLY and ENTIRELY on my own personal preferance.

Honestly speaking, I really don't understand why does do the girlfriends/wives make/request/ask their boyfriends/husbands carry their handbag. Something that I can't fathom at all.

Today, I took my sister's SHAPE magazine and had a flip. There was this special article titled "Age Well - 15 ways to stay youthful". I got interested since I ain't getting younger so I thought I want to age gracefully. When I flipped to the next page, one method they suggested jumped out of the page right in front of my eyes!

"Method 2 - Carry your own handbag" - I went "HEY!!! That's SO cool!" Haa.. My mum got a shock at my exclaimation. Well, it went on to explain that carrying it ourselves could be healthier. It help us to build and maintain muscle mass. It can help to cushion joints and improve bone strength which can help to protect ourselves against fractures.

Quite cool heh?! Well.. At least it was real cool to me.. Something that I thought it'll be easy for me to carry out.

Okie.. Back to magazine and R&R..

Friday, July 07, 2006


For those who has followed my blog may have known that my "thesis" in order that I may graduate from my Grad Dip is based on the program, ONE, that Cirque Du Monde has partnered with my organization. It's a program that believes in using Circus Arts as a form of social outreach to youths or even women. Be it healing emotional scars or building confidence, Circus Arts is part of an outreach.

Reason why I chose to write this paper is really because I hold it close to my heart that things CAN be taught through games, through activities, through interaction. Interaction with people or even with our own body can instill great emotions within each one of us. As I was writing the paper, I really wonder - How different is Circus Arts? How effective can it teach one?

7th July 2006 has been a GREAT and FABULOUS day for me. No words can actually describe how I felt really today. I got the chance to have a go at Circus Arts! [Oh.. Like I said, Cirque du Monde is partnering with my org]

You know, those acts that I saw in Cirque de Soleil (I didn't watch that show. My sister went and showed me the program book) just suddenly came alive to me! I found myself climbing up a long purple cloth. Then I found myself hanging upside down. Then, the purple cloth cocoon-ed me up... It's amazing the things that one long cloth could do. It's even more amazing what one could do with their body. To have confidence in doing it. To be aware of your own body movements. To be able to focus and know what we are doing. At the end of the session and we had the debriefing with the trainer, she asked all of us to describe in one word how we felt and I told them that I felt very privileged.

As for how I felt after mingling with the cloth is a surge of more energy, a surge of more confidence. Not that I am able to climb or even hang well. My arm ached from all the hanging. But there was this sense of achievement within me. It's like an additional information to myself that "hey.. I didn't know that I can be that confident with my body. hey I didn't know that I can do things that I have NEVER ever thought of before.". And I believe that as it has effect on me in just one day, youths or anybody will be affected through its training.

Because it was held at Climb Adventure, I stayed on with 2 other colleagues to continue with Rock Climbing. It REALLY "quenched my thirst" after a climb I did in 2001!! I have been almost "dying" for a climb and I jumped at the opportunity to climb when my colleague asked me.

After the whole thing, we went for Subway and then we planned for Night Cycling and we made our way back to our respective office. I'm already beginning to feel fitter as compared to a few months back when all I do was to sit in the office! Heee... My friend actually asked me if I am PLAYING or WORKING? I replied - I am having FUN while I am WORKING! Hee..

Currently, I am excited! Because I took on a sub-profile i.e. to be a Ranger to a secondary school which is called Community Encouragement, or in short, CE. Basically, we are using several games to outreach. I'm real excited! I'll be starting next week. I guess.. new things are excited heh!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Each Day by Max Lucado

The day is coming
The refuge of the early
morning will be invaded
by decisions to be madeand deadlines to be met

For the next twelve hours
I will be exposed to the
day’s demands. It is nowI must make a choice

Because of Calvary,
I’m free to choose.

And so I choose

I choose Love…
No occasion justifies hatred;
No injustice warrants bitterness.
I choose Love.
Today I will love God
And what God gives.

I choose Joy…
I will invite God to be the God of circumstance.
I will refuse the temptation to be
cynical… The tool of lazy thinker.
I will refuse to see people as
anything less than human beings, created by God.
I will refuse to see any problem as
anything less than an opportunity to see God.

I choose Peace…
I will live forgiven.I will forgive so that I may live.

I choose Patience…
I will overlook the inconveniences
of the world. Instead of cursing the
One who takes my place, I’ll invite him
to do so.
Rather than complain that the wait
is too long, I will thank God for a moment to pray.
Instead of clenching my fist at new assignments,
I will face them with Joy and Courage.

I choose Kindness...
I will be kind to the poor,
for they are alone.
I will be kind to the rich,
for they are afraid.
And kind to the unkind,
for such is how God has treated me.

I choose Goodness...
I will go without a dollar
before I take a dishonest one.
I will be overlooked
before I will boast.
I will confess
before I will accuse.
I choose Goodness.

I choose Faithfulness...
Today I will keep my promises.
My debtors will not regret their trust.
My associates will not
question my word.
My wife will not question my love.
And my children will never fear
that their father will not come home.

I choose Gentleness...
Nothing is won by force.
I choose to be gentle.
If I raise my voice,
may it be only in praise.
If I clench my fist,
may it only be in prayer.
If I make a demand,
may it only be of myself.

I choose Self-Control...
I am a spiritual being
after this body is dead,
my spirit will soar.
I will refuse to let what will rot
rule the eternal. I will be drunk
ONLY by joy. I will be impassioned
ONLY by my faith. I will be influenced
ONLY by God.
I will be taught ONLY by Christ.

Love, Joy, Peace,
Patience, Kindness, Goodness,
Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self-Control.
To these, I commit my day.

If I succeed, I will give thanks.
If I fail, I will seek His grace.
And then, when this day
is done, I will place my head
on my pillow and rest.

- Galatians 5:22

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

5 Love Languages

Like it or not, we are relational creatures. We are made to fellowship & to love! As humans, it's always easy to love others in the way we feel loved. However, what good would it be if that person doesn't feel loved by our way?

I went with my boss for a home visit for a marital counselling once. And almost immediately, I assessed that they are loving themselves. Meaning that they are loving each other through ways of how they want to receive love. Good news is that I've recently heard from my boss that they've finally reconciled and realised how important it is to understand the other's language of love.

In short, the 5 love languages are
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Gifts
  • Acts of Service
  • Quality Time
  • Physical Touch

At that moment when I heard of it, I was very moved. I began to think of ALL the relationships that I am having right now. And I asked myself - How important are they to me? And if they are important, am I loving them the way they can feel my love? Learning how to love needs small baby steps. Cause learning how to love also means learning how to fall down and get hurt.

At this juncture, I suddenly remembered something! It's ironical.. but it's a long standing "joke". At the dinner table, my mother will usually tell me "San, you eat the stems since you like it ok?". I will usually answer her "Mummy..! I always eat it because I know you guys don't like it." And the next time, it happens again. Familial Love is always interesting.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Challenges and MILKRun

As much as I can't believe it, half the year is gone. Looking back, I asked myself - What have I done? Have I accomplished what I have set out to do (or even halfway through)? It's the time of the year that I do my self-reflection.

Year 06 has been one that has been filled with challenges. One challenge I face is the ability to empathise. To empathise is to put myself in another person's shoes. I must say - all humans judge and so do I. Initially when I was asked which department I want to be in (at work), I very much wanted to be in the youth or children services. However, I was placed in the family service. I asked God - God, I can really really empathise with children and youth but I find it a real challenge to empathise with families! (aka parents) God replied - Empathise. Means to put myself in their shoe. Means understanding their worldview. Means acknowledging. I've learnt that to empathise does not require me to be emotional. However, it needs me to acknowledge the other party's emotional needs. As I look back, I AM very glad that I am in the family service instead of otherwise cause it's a very good department to be in before I think of areas of specialization. Hmm.. Am I losing anyone here?

Anyway, challenges come in different shapes and sizes. For the first time in 4 years (since I was back from Brisbane), I got into a job that requires to eat into my personal time that it took me till now (6 months) to really let go. Remembering the past 4 years, I found so much joy in having the free time to serve. Yet now, there is a need to plan. I can't volunteer as and when I like. Honestly, it's quite a struggle.

AND for the first time in my life, I missed Sunday service BECAUSE of work - MILKRun. Hmm.. Honestly, I missed church so much. I had a small itsy bitsy revelation. I suddenly thought I understand why God wants His children to attend church! To fellowship! We have a constant relationship with God. We can talk to him as and when we like. However, I feel that church is the best time to catch up with friends and CG. To fellowship, to meet up, to do congregational worship & to encourage. You know, you don't do that with friends everyday but church day. Hee.. Sunday just didn't feel like a Sunday when I found myself missing people in church.

Well, I must explained though that I really enjoyed the MILKRun too. There were moments when I felt very touched when I saw the youths displaying their talents. In a society that talk so much about paper qualification, sometimes, the stress for the youths is for them to excel in their studies. And sometimes, their talents could be very stifled. Also, I felt very touched when the kid I ran the 4km with was motivated to finish the race he started. I felt very glad when I had a heart to heart talk with my colleague. I felt very touched towards the end when I saw my church friends!

Pre-registration and collection of goodie bags for runners on Friday.

Location of MILKRun.. Zouk! I was asked by my friend where was I on Sunday and I said - Zouk!

The Youth Parade. It was FABULOUS! My colleague and myself even grooved to the dance.. I wonder if we have made the fool of ourselves..Hee...

Went to visit the bazaar stall that Lucille had and found Natalie (her niece from HopeKids) there too.. Brought her around and had a short kiddy break with her!